
Humbug to Brexit

But that doesn't make sense. Humbug essentially means you're lying, making things up, it's a way to announce that you are ignoring an opinion on the grounds you think it is totally false.
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You do love writing drivel, dont you.

The reason for the outburst by Paula Sherriff was because she and others have received death threats and abuse - using the same words that Johnson has said.
Johnson is inciting hatred and female MPs are scared.

Paula Sherriff has the adjacent constituency to Jo Cox and not surprisingly she realises the danger of inciting hatred.

But you dont care, you are an angry Brexiteer with no compassion or morals

Whatever.. you obviously cherry pick my posts for your own arguments how many times have i heard people say that to you on here...

This latest outcry.. Its just perfect timing isn't it, lets roll the dice, what is it Next week?

Current Strategy

Last week
Operation 'You lied'

This week
Operation 'you humbugged us into terror'

I wonder what it is next week?
But that doesn't make sense. Humbug essentially means you're lying, making things up, it's a way to announce that you are ignoring an opinion on the grounds you think it is totally false.

Of course of course.. its the hatred inciting humbug. So its ok to say *******s to brexit? Is that ok?

The humbug response is the attempt to associate JCox to the right now of the debate that night. You know and i know there's a time and place to drag certain sensitive situations into an argument. And that's in no way disrespect to somebody who just wanted to do right for her country.
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The humbug response is the attempt to associate JCox to the right now of the debate that night. You know and i know there's a time and place to drag certain sensitive situations into an argument. And that's in no way disrespect to somebody who just wanted to do right for her country

Oh dear, how tedious.

Ive already explained.

Johnson has used inflammatory words.
Threats are being made against mps and those words are used.
Paula Sherriff has the constituency next to Jo Cox.
Paula Sherriff has received threats.
The connection is direct.

Can you understand that?
It isnt that hard is it.
Whatever.. you obviously cherry pick my posts for your own arguments how many times have i heard people say that to you on here.

I am happy to provide a counter argument to anything you post, if you have anything particular you would like me to prove you wrong, I am always happy to help.

In the meantime, I stand by what I said: you are an angry Brexiteer lacking compassion and morals.
Thats the path you have chosen: own it and be happy with your ignorance. :)
Of course of course.. its the hatred inciting humbug. So its ok to say *******s to brexit? Is that ok?

There is no hatred in disagreeing with brexit.

There is hatred in threatening to women with violence on the grounds of their disagreement with brexit.

The humbug response is the attempt to associate JCox to the right now of the debate that night. You know and i know there's a time and place to drag certain sensitive situations into an argument. And that's in no way disrespect to somebody who just wanted to do right for her country.

No, it was highlight why it is so important to curb language - such language has an effect, people (a small number of radical people with mental health problems maybe) see it as a call to arms. To ignore it, to say humbug, is utterly reprehensible. And to defend Johnson, and then claim labour / remainers are using Jo Cox's name for their political cause is equally reprehensible.

It really is time to stop. And before you say "both do it" all we (as a remainer) hear is accusations that we are crying, upset, angry, "remoaning", which is hardly ever the case - every argument we make it batted off with "you're emotional, shut up, we won". It serves nothing but to further divide.

If Brexit does not go ahead, it is certainly more the fault of Leave voters for totally failing in 3 years to provide any argument to justify the decision, other than "shut up crybaby remoaner, you lost, we need to leave, brexit is brexit".

No doubt somebody will shout humbug, or equivalent, at that.
Theresa surrendered to the hardline quitters who decided (after the referendum) that they want the no-deal catastrophe.
You will not find this in the pre-referendum campaign, but they now say they will accept nothing else.
Where did it say anywhere in the original documents"leave with deal only""?
There is no hatred in disagreeing with brexit.

There is hatred in threatening to women with violence on the grounds of their disagreement with brexit.

More blinkered talk. Please feel free to pick apart my argument point out where i am biased or not discussing the whole picture, i understand the passion on both sides. But i cant stand people using biased filtered arguments.

example - you tone down the remain rhetoric from 'bo llox to brexit' to 'disagreeing with brexit'

Please just be honest and stop filtering out the whole picture to frame your argument.

If on any other day Boris was asked anything in parliament and responded Bo lloxs to that... seriously. What am i doing on this forum talking to some really imbalanced people. I think i need to drop out here, luckily i am away tomorrow whoop whoop!
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I have no interest in picking apart your argument. Except ...

If on any other day Boris was asked anything in parliament and responded Bo lloxs

He started it - surely you knew that already? That is the whole point of the lib dems using it to voice their displeasure!

"The idea that freedom of movement is a fundamental right of the EU is just *******s."
Boris Johnson, November 2016.

In fact, that is not all he said. At the same time he said "It is stupid to say that freedom of movement is a fundamental right."

I guess you will now say that he said it in a way that is OK? Or will you, to avoid being a hypocrite, rightfully criticise Johnson for this language?
I have no interest in picking apart your argument. Except ...

He started it - surely you knew that already? That is the whole point of the lib dems using it to voice their displeasure!

"The idea that freedom of movement is a fundamental right of the EU is just *******s."
Boris Johnson, November 2016.

In fact, that is not all he said. At the same time he said "It is stupid to say that freedom of movement is a fundamental right."

I guess you will now say that he said it in a way that is OK? Or will you, to avoid being a hypocrite, rightfully criticise Johnson for this language?

No will you accept you changed your argument here and toned it down for your own benefit? If you can't admit to that then i guess i really am wasting my time here.

All you're doing now is deflecting from my point and digging up more... Im not ignoring this, we all use ****** in context, to call someone out when someone else is allowed is wrong. Im sure they've all made passionate opinions about things.
John Major prorogued parliament if he was up against Corbyn or remain he would of been pulled to shreds too, its just the filtered bias i can't stand, im really not wanting to take sides i hate imbalance. Yes i am wanting us to leave the EU but most importantly i want the stalemate resolved either way we cancel Ar50 or leave. Arguing fighting dummy fouls falling over out of sight of the ref it's getting desperate.
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I don't think we'll agree on this.
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