So, trying to correct some of the DAMAGE of Brexit counts as a Brexit benefit, does it?
Not at all, but it's worth noting that it's Germany that's making the move, which suggests that Brexit is harming Germany more than the UK.
Can you see that?
So, trying to correct some of the DAMAGE of Brexit counts as a Brexit benefit, does it?
Brexit annoys the type of people we like to annoy, for sport.
I know it will eventually all come good.
1. Your claim about German states blah blah, is not back up by evidence, so it’s probably garbage from the Express.What are your thoughts about various German States attempting to negotiate unilateral deals with UK to boost trade having seen over a 50% decline in their exports. What are your thoughts about UK exporting record levels of gas to Europe.
You previously posted some govt propaganda that was comprehensively debunked., as for the full list, as said, I've given it before
Seriously?Personally, I'd prefer you lecture kids on the pros and cons of the single market and how it affects NI
…and they would probably not be convicted nowdays based on the 'evidence' that convicted them years ago. Times have changed - mobile phone tracking, CCTV, ANPR, DNA…… So much more evidence would be available these days.We haven't exactly got a great record in respect of murderers, y'know - think about the cases of Derek Bentley, Ruth Ellis, Timothy Evans, James Hanratty and George Kelly and it becomes obvious why the state executing people whose convictions have subsequently been found to be unsafe…..
Xenophobic? All I said was that in my opinion, ex-Pats shouldn't be allowed to vote on matters that apply to the UK as they had left it.What a rancidly xenophobic outlook you have. Do you seriously want to pull up the drawbridge and let nobody in or out? Britain as a sort of modern day medieval castle? It sound like you'd be more suited to life in North Korea
It’s only argument left for brexers.Yes.
Brexit annoys the type of people we like to annoy, for sport.
Thats rich coming from you.youve made stuff up on numerous occasions
“Overun with Arabs” says Mottie.Thats rich coming from you.
100% true. Arab season coming soon - go up and look for yourself.“Overun with Arabs” says Mottie.
Mottie confirms he is a Xenophobe.100% true. Arab season coming soon - go up and look for yourself.
More often than not it isn't what politicians say, it's what they don't say - a lie of omission, if you will.The advantages of Brexit are so great that this week the International Trade Secretary, Ann Marie Trevelyan didn't turn up to appear before the Commons Trade Committee in order to have her world beating trade deals scrutinised. This is normal, but it appears that de Pfeffel's crony doesn't want the trade deals scrutinised - possibly because they are complete and utter carp and won't stand scrutiny because they are so bad for thiss country?
I'm at least an 'averagely' clever bloke, but I don't even know where to start with that...My point was more that, as a headmaster (yes I know you're retired), do you think it's responsible to influence kids on the future direction of the country and benefits/non benefits based on the colour of the passport, and whether the shade of blue qualifies it as black.
Personally, I'd prefer you lecture kids on the pros and cons of the single market and how it affects NI, be an adult, debate grown up things on grown up principles, don't descend into a silly rant about the the shade of blue passports are, you're better than that, I hope.