Brexit - a reality check!

100% true. Arab season coming soon - go up and look for yourself.
Mottie confirms he is a Xenophobe.

Notch confirms he sticks his head in the sand.
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On the subject of murder, every civilised country in the world (BTW I don't consider the USA to be civilised) has abandoned the death penalty. We haven't exactly got a great record in respect of murderers, y'know - think about the cases of Derek Bentley, Ruth Ellis, Timothy Evans, James Hanratty and George Kelly and it becomes obvious why the state executing people whose convictions have subsequently been found to be unsafe, or were overturned was not right, Once you've killed the wrong person, they stay dead, even if they are found to be innocent. But I don't expect you to understand that, because you are hardly someone who could put yourself in someone else's shoes

What a rancidly xenophobic outlook you have. Do you seriously want to pull up the drawbridge and let nobody in or out? Britain as a sort of modern day medieval castle? It sound like you'd be more suited to life in North Korea

Don’t execute the wrong person than ?

Those two blokes who beheaded that soilder is there any doubt to there guilt ?

That bloke who killed Joe cox
Is there any doubt to his guilt ?

That bloke who killled David amiss any doubt to his guilt ?

No guilty as charged and they should all stop breathing
Don’t execute the wrong person than ?
And against that what about all those people over the decades who've been found guilty of crimes in court, then subsequently acquitted because evidence was tampered with, the police withheld evidence from the defence, etc. Like it or not our criminal justice system is flawed. But the principle, in British law, is that you are found guilty, or you are found innocent (except in Scotland where there is a "not proven" verdict) - and if you are found guilty the penalty should be the same for everyone. The law does NOT differentiate. Or are you suggesting that the law needs to be changed? Isn't the state killing people just as evil as individuals killing other individuals? Would you be able to hang someone yourself? The whole point of punishment for crimes is that a punishment is supposed to be a deterrent. In the cases you mention would it have been? No. A gtreater punishment would be to deny these individuals liberty and to take away the pillar of their religion (in some cases). I seriously recommend that you read Albert Pierpoint's autobiography, written in 1974 about 8 years after he retired as the gonernmment's hangman, in which he concluded that capital punishment was not a deterrent. Well, If is isn't a deterrent, it becomes a simple act of vengence to kill people found guilty - which in a civilised society is not what the law is for
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I bet you're glad you live in a western democracy like the UK where the punishment for peaceful protest is only 10 years in prison x

There is no law against peaceful protest in this country.
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Multiple eye witnesses
Video of the beheading of that soldier

Execute them

100% no doubt as to there guilt

Murder of Joe cox 100% no doubt as to his guilt

Execute him

Davis amiss 100% as to his killers guilt
Execute him

That bloke who threw that 5 year old french boy off a roof 100% guilty

Execute him

Start with them 4 incidents there after they can ask me about wether some one should be executed
My criteria there would be no innocent people dispatched


Neither do I give a stuff about deterents

Retribution is the order of the day

This recent incident in Wales concerning a 5 year old who was tortured and murdered

Some bloke and the mother given 28 years

28 years they would get 28 days afai am concerned because on day 29 they would stop breathing

The 14 year old would get 4 years
In prison than on the age of 18 he would be joining the other 2 scum bags in the next life

This assumes that certain criteria is followed

I would need to see the evidence first
The bloke who threw that poor lad off the roof of (the British Museum?) is mentally ill and he'd repeatedly warned social workers he wanted to do it. Who is at fault in this case? The mentally ill man or the social workers?
What would executing him achieve?
I'm not going to argue the point about clear-cut cases of murder where guilt is in no doubt, but when diminished responsibility is part of the case, it becomes far more complicated. An eye for an eye, is very Old Testament.
The bloke who threw that poor lad off the roof of (the British Museum?) is mentally ill and he'd repeatedly warned social workers he wanted to do it. Who is at fault in this case? The mentally ill man or the social workers?
What would executing him achieve?
I'm not going to argue the point about clear-cut cases of murder where guilt is in no doubt, but when diminished responsibility is part of the case, it becomes far more complicated. An eye for an eye, is very Old Testament.

Mentally ill

Well we would be best rid of the fruit cake than

Afaik that little boy has only just been able to walk ( sort of ) his entire life and world has been shattered by some fruit cake

Another mental case in Scotland abducted a 6 year old little girl took her in the woods and proceeded to torture that little girl
Raped her as well than killed her

He would stop breathing as well and good riddance to bad rubbish

Some bloke recently killed his own 2 or 3 year old child shot the little fella 3 or 4 times at point blank range with an air pistol in the neck

Attacked him with a meat skewer and than smothered him all to get at his wife

He would stop breathing as well and good riddance to bad rubbish
Households and businesses face “a very large national real income shock”, Andrew Bailey, the Governor of the Bank of England, told delegates at a conference in Portugal. The British economy was “weakening more than others” and the scale of the shock would be “substantive”.

apart from Russia, Britain alone of the G20 countries is forecast to see its economy shrink in 2023. The much-vaunted Brexit dividend has not been paid. The more the Government spouts about “delivering”, the less it actually delivers.

Hmm. Thought Doris' Brexit was going to see UK economy powering ahead. (And this from the Torygraph!!)

Let's hope, for the sake of the country, economy, farming, fishing, science, education, travel, transport, society, etc, etc, etc, Hezza has got it right.

Lord Michael Heseltine: If Boris goes, Brexit goes​

Look forwards to no fundamental change. Chop the head of a camel and it's still a camel. Dead but a party can elect a new head.

I can figure a couple of things that they may do - increase the min wage for instance. Tax cuts seems unlikely given that they have pished them up. Clearly no need if they are cut. Probably want to save some for the next election anyway. Corporation tax was cut as companies would flood in. They didn't so put it up again = more tax.

The UK pays more into the EU budget than it gets back.
In 2018 the UK government paid £13 billion to the EU budget, and EU spending on the UK was forecast to be £4 billion. So the UK’s ‘net contribution’ was estimated at nearly £9 billion.
Each year the UK gets a discount on its contributions to the EU—the ‘rebate’—worth about £4 billion last year. Without it the UK would have been liable for £17 billion in contributions.

The £4billion back needs to continue - unfinished projects funded by the EU.

A report from the Congressional Budget Office estimates the tax revenue the government will get. It estimates that, in 2022, income tax receipts will reach $2.6 trillion — the highest since the tax was enacted.17 Jun 2022

UK - puts us in perspective
HMRC collected £718.2 billion in taxes in 2021 to 2022, an increase of 22.9% from the year before.

That is higher still now. Councils

In 2022-23 we estimate that council tax will raise £41.9 billion (net of any discounts and reduction schemes). That represents 4.2 per cent of total receipts and is equivalent to around £1,480 per household and 1.7 per cent of National Income.

Total Service Expenditure • Net current expenditure on services is budgeted to be £105.6 billion in 2021-22. This is £5.2 billion (5.1%) higher than the £100.5 billion budgeted for 2020-21 when adjusted for inflation, and £6.2 billion (6.2%) higher in real terms than was budgeted for 2019-20.
Around the time of the Scot referendum the total gov take was nearly £1 trillion. Why the drop now - less revenue all round to tax maybe? I don't recollect any significant changes in that area's tax take.
Animal welfare regs

Look how some of these EU countries farm pigs for ham
That ends up in our super markets
The practice was banned in the UK 20 odd years ago

Dire a practice as this halal

( yes and kosher as well noseall)
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