Brexit - good news...

Not necessarily, I can't see it, banks bs, won't be falling over themselves to lend money due to the instability that
br***t has caused. Not forgetting inflation will prob be rampant wiping out most gains from the initial house value cut What with all the many job loses that it will also likely incur also there could well be substantial wage cuts, don't scoff, it could happen, these are unchartered waters. No, pretty sure the suits will make sure they are in first as they have the financial clout to exploit. Much more profitable for them to deter buyers so they can rent out homes that only the wealthy insulated ones can afford. Forget about owning your own home, those days are numbered. Rent rent and more rent I'm afraid.
Are you always so depressing.
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relevant, as it demonstrates that Mystic Mark has longstanding form on his guesses, which are regularly wide of the mark.
Although I suppose if he makes enough "predictions", including revising them to the complete opposite, he'll eventually get one right, and claim wonderful foresight (y)
Interesting how you use language like 'wide of the mark' describing the failings of something that has yet to occur.

Brexit is next March, geddit? Probably not. :(

You keep waffling on how Carney is wide of the mark and that his predictions have not come true. The rest of us will try and keep from tittering and wait till Brexit actually happens.(y)

Poor old Brig.
Interesting how you use language like 'wide of the mark' describing the failings of something that has yet to occur.

Brexit is next March, geddit? Probably not. :(

You keep waffling on how Carney is wide of the mark and that his predictions have not come true. The rest of us will try and keep from tittering and wait till Brexit actually happens.(y)

Poor old Brig.

Conveniently ignoring mystic Mark's contradictory predictions, meaning he'll always be able to claim he's correct.
Poor you;)
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Speaking of predictions, what have the leading Quitlings been right about so far?


Well come on then.

what have the leading Quitlings been right about so far?
:rolleyes: Noseall is concerned that Brexit may stop him going on the piste (;);))
I ignore them all. Interesting though watching the RWR squirm over zero positive news about Brexit from anyone anywhere.

House prices coming down which will benefit the young 1st time buyers. That's positive news :?:

being able to set zero vat on sanitary products ;)

Less people going abroad for there hoilidays due to travel restrictions and not being able to drive in the EU , meaning they will have to spend there money in the UK ;) u will have to go on the piste in the UK :LOL:
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