Brexit water for southerners

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Rofl.....overnight of course,,,they would kill,burn,all the animals,abandon the land,torch everything and turn up on mass at the job centre destitute on November 1st 2019...You remainiacs are utter ferkin loonified ga ga brainless twonks

Please could you point out where I said it would happen the following day?

So Durhamplumber is quite happy for farmers in his area to lose their jobs, its what he wants
just so long it doesnt happen on Nov 1st
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To paraphrase some old French bint "Let them drink Champagne "
She is rumoured to have said it in 1789 when she would have been 35. If that makes her an old bint....!
But more likely it was another noble in the 1600's.
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Roflllllllllll,,,,yes,I have noticed,,,,,,,when they are not sh,,,tin their pants over tariffs and trade,,,white feather puftas

Durhamplumber thinks things like tariffs, trade deals, knowledge, mature discussion etc are just for complete wusses.

Real men like Durhamplumber stand for things like ignorance, soundbites, lies.

Go on, puff out yer chest and shout out
'German car industry'
'Take back control'
'We won, you lost'

Farage and Boris have taken you lot for mugs :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
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