Highest vaccine booster rollout in Europe, (excepting Iceland), double the EU average.
And except for Malta, Portugal and Denmark
Germany beat UK on boosters
Highest vaccine booster rollout in Europe, (excepting Iceland), double the EU average.
And except for Malta, Portugal and Denmark
Germany beat UK on boosters
Advantages ?? hmmm
well there is the potential of some type of military confrontation with the frenchin the channel over fishing etc
If you're unhappy with Brexit, then it's worth asking the question what compromise position would you accept in exchange for remain? How are you going to satisfy the leave voters?
If we had governments that actually stood up for our interests instead of bending over and taking it. Can you honestly imagine France letting us get away with this?
That's why they are still members. They are no less nationalistic than us. They make it work for themselves.
Boris and the Brexers have demonstrated the the response is "WE WON! YOU LOST!"
As I said, focussing on such a tiny detail and omitting the larger picture is selective and distorts the true situation.
Record year for the LSE
As I said, focussing on such a tiny detail and omitting the larger picture is selective and distorts the true situation.
Data out of context, i.e. in total isolation is meaningless.
It's not about numbers, it's about the percentage of the population vaccinated.Especially when it exposes your and notch's lies about Malta, Portugal, Denmark and Germany.
Boris totally failed at school, but he could eat the most sweets.
Boris and the Brexers have demonstrated the the response is "WE WON! YOU LOST!"
Sack all the MPs that don't agree
Lie to Parliament and the Queen
Introduce different laws and treaties that had not been agreed or even proposed beforehand
Take up an extreme position for the country no matter what damage it caused.
Surely Brexers would have just accepted that?
You mean about how much UK paid to EU, and what could be done with that money?We were supposed to have a bipartisan, grown-up discussion about the merits of membership and then make an informed vote. I didn't see much of this outside of the usual political discussions between the parties involved, and the usual mud-slinging about dog-whistle racism/xeonophobia vs lack of sovereignty or whatever.
The Americans showed us how it's done.As for the last election we had an opposition leader who didn't know his arse from his elbow. I didn't feel I had much of a choice there. I do sympathise with your position on how it played out (badly), but have you considered the alternatives?