Brexit is not a discussion that can be had with the converted for the simple reason they ignore various things that have happened.
One of them seems to have forgotten what was said by a famous now departed ERG man about the civil service and what he thought he would do about is essentially false. The lot that have been elected in other words could not do it. A minister wasn't caused to resign as he was told to change his advisors.
Levelling up will continue. Just why are some areas who expected some of that wondering with due cause?
The departed famous man - why did he go. His views are interesting and don't just relate to a crap PM who basically isn't suited to the job. It's more along the lines that a Tory is a Tory. Same old spin and actions that have got us nowhere and are unlikely to ever do.
Problems will all be down to covid as they were with the banking crisis. Why did the UK remain pretty static after that when others showed real signs of improving. Even on interest rates for one.
Expect good news of the usual sort prior to the next election. They are currently building a pot of money for that. All as usual really. Expect more things to be apparently better than it was but not really. Sounds like comparisons with other countries and shame may result in some capitol spending on the NHS - equipment. A term used for that. Or will it quietly be forgot. More hospitals too it seems - more PFI? Some takers going bankrupt maybe or real costs increasing.
We are going to build some big factories. That is a great one Slip millions to a a manufacturer to get them to remain here. That will need repeating next time things need a serious upgrade and what about other countries who will be producing the same items? The whole area of greening is slowly getting more attention. It's attracting the term Not In My Period Of Office. There is an enormous rats nest of complications behind achieving it but spout to get votes.
Some aspects of Brexit will help this a bit
However, the UK government has the third lowest rate of tax collection of G7 countries and is well behind other European countries
It's a pity that all loans to other countries can't be found easily but here are some