Brexit ongoing.

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Himmie should be looking in the CC section of the forum and see what they are saying.
No need I can guess. Gasbag and foxtrot Oscar have told us before.
Them mitch tells me it is all technicalities. But then he tells us he has been 'advised' about certain matters non-technical. But he cannot say where.
2 + 2 = ?
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You did the accusing. Explain yourself. If you can.
I think you have been rumbled, mightygob.

If you cannot explain your accusation against me, try answering eeyore's question "why does someone choose to change their username"?

Anyone who is stupid enough to sign up at 12:06am on a Friday night/Saturday morning, then, 1 minute later, quote a 20 month old post, in order to try to prove me wrong, and blag that they are a new member who has sussed out another member, has some serious problems, never mind some serious intelligence deficiencies.
welcome back mightyblob, aka eeyore, aka a**e end. :ROFLMAO:

A**e end and eeyore have demonstrated their deceit time and time again. A**e end has demonstrated his personality disorder. This is another example of their deceit.
Is it another example of a**e end's personality disorder?

I just get bored by the same old posts. This one was done a few months ago.
And oh how quickly people forget the time when hundreds of thousands of brits went to work in germany for similar reasons!

So, whats that got to do with it....

Free movement of people suits the neoliberal actions of the EU.
Lets be clear, those that voted leave may have done so due to concerns about immigration. There is not a presumption that it therefore means 'to hell with the consequences of millions of people'
perhaps you should talk to Hawkeye. He is a brexiteer.
I don't really care as I want them to deport migrants by the truck load and I'm quite happy to see it happen.
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So, whats that got to do with it....

Free movement of people suits the neoliberal actions of the EU.
So what was that about 'conflating arguments'? :ROFLMAO:

But 'free movement' also suits millions of individuals!
Hey, I'm just pointing out the real consequences of Brexit to real people ...

The consequences Brexiteers apparently knew all about because they 'knew what they were voting for'!

So either Brexiteers are in agreement with what is now happening to millions of people caught up in this mess, or they didn't really mean it to be 'quite like that'.

So which is it?
As Notch has said, millions of people didn't vote for the mess. I don't see why government's uselessness on the paperwork of people who have a valid and legal reason to be here can be a brexiteers fault. Why would any sane, rational person want people's lives to be turned upside down in this manner? I certainly don't think that 17 million people would want this.
People who voted leave, even though some of them may be because they were worried about the levels of immigration and free movement, didn't mean and doesn't mean they are racist or bigots as you like to call them.

Heck, even the Archbishop of Canterbury said that people being worried about immigration shouldn't be labelled as racist and said that the fear was a valid emotion. I'm not a religious sort but he had a point and more impressively, I thought it was an attempt for people to understand fears and to keep talking.

It wasnt you then, going on and on and on and on about how unfair it is that you cant access the CC section.

Oh thats right....It was :mrgreen:
You have totally misunderstood my argument. But because it is a worthwhile argument I will take the time to explain it to you again.
I have no concerns about the CC forum, other than the gossip and the planning of what they are planning to do to another poster. That is cowardly, disgusting and the CC forum should be banished for that reason.
However, other than that I have no concerns about the CC forum.
What I do object to is the apparent protection that is gained by members being also members of the CC forum. Like a**e end who has abused and exploited this forum to propound his bigoted comments for years and years, resorting to blatant lies and invented stories to underpin his bigotry.
When he is exposed as the liar and bigot that he is, numerous plumbers come running to defend and support his bigotry. That can only have happened because of the gossip that must persist in the CC forum. So that by the time these other plumbers join in the discussion they have already been socialised into the bigotry that must exist in the CC forum (remember 'no prissy snowflakes').
They should post a big notice in the CC forum.
"Teach plumbers how to think, not what to think!"

So, in essence the CC forum can continue as it does, but it should curtail its undue influence, which is unusualy and heavily bigoted, on the GD forum!
Another cop out.
Just like notch claiming a**e end's reason for considering implying someone is Arab is an insult had already been discussed.
Pure lies and invention!
It did not take long for your true colours to emerge.
You'd rather write the above than go look at your own posts? Do you not remember writing it then?
Remind me, if you can.
Or just keep repeating the same old lie.
Pure lies and invention!
Oh I am a liar am I?
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