Brexit - the will of which people?

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Brexit..fek all that hard soft in name only crap..
You seriously think May and co are going to jeopardise the nation if she cant agree a deal - i.e. soft BRINO Brexit? She aint bothered about the feelings of a few million out of work pensioners? You lot are easily subdued.
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You seriously think May and co are going to jeopardise the nation if she cant agree a deal - i.e. soft BRINO Brexit? She aint bothered about the feelings of a few million out of work pensioners? You lot are easily subdued.
Rofl,,,yeah right,,ofcourse we are,will be anarchy in this country if brexit does not happen.
You seriously think May and co are going to jeopardise the nation if she cant agree a deal - i.e. soft BRINO Brexit? She aint bothered about the feelings of a few million out of work pensioners? You lot are easily subdued.
I think a general election is round the corner,cannot see Corbyn getting in,will be another coalition,no in/out ref 2,and chaos,but brexit,hard,will happen eventually.The bolox to brexit brigade will not amount to a hill of beans compared to the wrath of the ****ed off brexit majority,they have not gone away,contrary to popular myths dreamt up by the moaning minnies luvin EU.
the wrath of the ****ed off brexit majority,they have not gone away,contrary to popular myths dreamt up by the moaning minnies luvin EU.
You will get a version of Brexit. However, no government is going to pander to a few pensioners with an extreme version of Brexit.
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And it will be exactly what you voted for. Whether it is hard, soft or non existent.

Ironic that you will get what you voted for!
You voted for a hard brexit, that wasnt even on the voting slip, but might end up with very soft, just what you actually voted for
Hard soft is media made up crap...brexit is no single mkt,no customs union,no open EU supreme court...Any other is not brexit.
ANARCHY" state of disorder due to absence or non-recognition of authority or other controlling systems."
Anarchy...that is exactly what I mean...Thankyou for the patronising lesson.
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