Bring back hanging!!

did not the irish have a similar attitude ten years ago... no thoughts just for their so called calling...

all very sad...
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I'll have the one with Black legs, looks like stockings :eek:
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I read that it costs in excess of £40,000.00 a year to keep a prisoner.

I think there are over 83,000 prisoners in the UK.

Do the math and tell me we should not be hanging these scumbags.

hang alll the pensioners for poll tax,tramps, people with health/mental health problems.
not all people in there deserve it.

I believe we imprison more people than anyone. that's about right for this country, stick your head under the blanket.
I believe we imprison more people than anyone. that's about right for this country, stick your head under the blanket.

Just a shame that they haven't got you yet - p***e
Why was I not in the slightest bit surprised that police are hunting a black man.

Yes, its a deeply unfashionable view, but to them life is cheap.

Many areas in London are now no-go ghettoes, where drug dealing, mugging, shootings and stabbings are common place, daily occurrences. This old soldier loved his home town, but he paid the price for the way it has changed for the worst in the past 20 years.

Respect, man. I don't think they know the meaning of the word. :evil:

Not unfashionable, just plain wrong. The vast majority of crime is carried out by white people.

Percentage breakdown of those arrested for notifiable offences,
by ethnic appearance, offence group 2007/08 in England & Wales

Violence against the person
82.9% White (W)
8.5% Black (B)
5.6% Asian (A)
1.0% Other (O)
2.0% Unknown (U)

59.8% W
29.7% B
7.7% A
1.4% O
1.5% U

86.7% W
7.4% B
2.6% A
0.6% O
2.7% U

Theft and handling
84.1% W
8.6% B
4.4% A
1.1% O
1.8% U

Fraud and forgery
62.4% W
19.5% B
12.2% A
4.6% O
1.3% U

Criminal damage
89.0% W
5.2% B
3.1% A
0.6% O
2.0% U

74.4% W
14.4% B
7.7% A
1.9% O
1.6% U

80.3% W
9.1% B
6.5% A
2.0% O
2.0% U

81.9% W
9.4% B
5.4% A
1.3% O
1.9% U

If a person is found guilty, then they are hanged, what happens the day after when some evidence that says that the weren't guilty?

So the executioner, and the law becomes the criminal?

It's happened. Where the hanged have subsequentially been proved innocent...

No murderer in my memory, or from reading books, ever just said 'Yup I did it, hang me', as they have no remorse. Most won't even talk about the crime.

DNA and fingerprinting is new technology, so therefore flawed, as all about it isn't known, so if a new development in DNA is discovered, to send an innocent man to his death is wrong!

In ten years time, a new breakthrough might be made, but to kill a person?
81.9% W
9.4% B
5.4% A
1.3% O
1.9% U

You post would seem to back this up...

The number of black people in prison as a proportion of the total population was 7.3 in 1,000.

That compares to 1.3 per 1,000 for white people and 1.7 per 1,000 for Asian people.
The number of black people in prison as a proportion of the total population was 7.3 in 1,000.

That compares to 1.3 per 1,000 for white people and 1.7 per 1,000 for Asian people.

I'm assuming that you got the figures from the same report? If not - source please.

I actually think those figures demonstrate something that is well established - that if you are convicted of a crime, you are more likely to go to prison for it if you are black/asian.

I think to see the true picture we need to see the conviction rate broken down by race .
I read that it costs in excess of £40,000.00 a year to keep a prisoner.

I think there are over 83,000 prisoners in the UK.

Do the math and tell me we should not be hanging these scumbags.

1) It costs far more to execute a person than to keep him or her in prison for life

2)There is no credible evidence that capital punishment deters crime.

3)Innocent people have been executed.

4)Life Without Parole is a Sensible Alternative to the Death Penalty

5)Race plays a role in determining who lives and who dies.

Forget about the cost, I'm against death penalty
There is no credible evidence that capital punishment deters crime.

Should never be seen as a deterrent its was a punishment.

The Guildford four,Birmingham six spring to mind if capital punishment was in use what a even bigger furore there would have been.
If you don't hang the high, then the message is clear; it's acceptable to murder an old man, that fought for your freedom, for 40 quid!!!

No, the soft attitude is not working...just hang them. Prison in this country is too soft. There should be Chain Gangs out cleaning our streets from 6.00am till 9.00pm.
Hmm, government statistics. :rolleyes:

Anyhow, your statistics bear out what I was saying regarding robbery and drug offences. Look again and you will see that black people are overly represented, when compared to the percentage of black people in the UK population for these offences.

Or just watch Crimewatch. ;)
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