The above posts were saying we all will be paying more tax
Not true only those earning a lot will[
There are comparatively few high earners: so no, it won't be just them who have to pay more because it doesn't bring in the revenue. Taxing them more is likely to cost more money than it brings in (according to the independent Institute for Fiscal Studies). It's been shown in the past (by Nigel Lawson) that lowering the rate of tax on higher earners increases tax revenue.
It's the poorer people who will be paying more tax, simply because there are far more of them. It started with the increase of the lowest rate from 10% to 20%. Next we have the increase in National Insurance tax, with plenty more to come. These are burdens which will fall harder on low-income people than on the rich.
Exactly my point
Labour always leave the economy in a mess; they always leave misery, and wreck the country. Why does anyone vote for them?
That can only be because they benefit from the "redistribution" and get so much from the government, that they have more money to spend then before. (those that know how to play the system)
Or at least they think they do. (those that can not do the maths)