
So in all seriousness, what do we consider a viable career for the next 20/30 odd years then?

Environmental work of some kind perhaps?
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Lets face it when the recession hits, it's the building trade that gets it and all trades struggle.
Or you could consider flood repairs, seeing all those new builds on flood plains, global warming, British weather, must be a mint in it?

He's after a good secure wage each week not a packet of polo's! :LOL:

As has been said Bud, decide where your interests lie and do research on that subject. You have the right idea about gaining the upper hand when next year arrives and you leave school. The more research you do in the meantime will avoid you having to try and cram it all in before your first interview.
Good luck and let us know how things turn out for you.
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The building industry isn't the only one that need trades.If you are that bright that you can consider uni you should try electrical control, electronics or digital control. Go to uni to train as an electrical/electronic engineer then during your hols don't slob about go and work in industry. They will love you. Try and get a student apprenticeship. This is always very useful for other industries and a lot more fun than pulling wires all day. All large buildings need this nowadays. The most lucrative and stable is in international oil. Even try management training. Good luck! :D