Build, build, build.

18 Oct 2008
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United Kingdom
That's what the idiots are shouting, Near us aprox 2000 new houses have been built, no extra infustructurs, the sewers are over capacity and spewing sh1t in to our rivers and the sea, no new resavoirs have been built for decades and we almost had drought conditions last year and it wasn't that hot.
Our power stations are opperating to capacity so is the gas network. New roads to these estates hav been prommised but have only just been started, construction traffic and the extra traffic for these properties goes through existing residential areas, past 2 schools.
All new homes built in the last decade should have had to had PV on the roof, Ive seen very few with this I dont even think the greens have been calling for this.
So will the new red windbag sort the infestructure out before building more sh1t boxes, I doubt it!
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Some idiots are also shouting we need more people to grow the economy. So these extra houses will be filled up with more people. These "more people" will drive down wage growth, public sector services will be squeezed and have to expand even more, all the extra services and more people will create a greater burden on the economy and we'll go back to higher unemployment, lower UK investment and real terms income will fall. But labour will stop you firing unwanted employees, so you wont be diverting jobs to the UK, like I've done for the past 10 years. looks like I will be visiting low tax Middle East a lot more, with all the team members relocating.
Oh dear what a lot of problems so what to do?
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There is never any coherent joined up thinking in the UK.

In Berkshire they improved the roads then infilled the houses.
In Surrey they build homes everywhere but NEVER improve the roads

Thats before you consider GP's schools, sewerage, etc etc

And yes reservoirs - the last big one that was built was about 40 years ago and the population has grown by over 10 million in that time, if not more
There's been talk for ages of thousands being built near my daughters in Dunsfold, on the old Top Gear track. They are also building thousands just off the A3, one of the reasons for the upgrade at the junction of the M25.
There is never any coherent joined up thinking

MBK's post, for example:

Some idiots are also shouting we need more people to grow the economy. So these extra houses will be filled up with more people. These "more people" will drive down wage growth, public sector services will be squeezed and have to expand even more, all the extra services and more people will create a greater burden on the economy and we'll go back to higher unemployment, lower UK investment and real terms income will fall. But labour will stop you firing unwanted employees, so you wont be diverting jobs to the UK, like I've done for the past 10 years. looks like I will be visiting low tax Middle East a lot more, with all the team members relocating.

Bring back Boris?
Blair got an interview and came up with an interesting point. You'll probably here the number mentioned. Most of the problems can be fixed with a £55b increase in taxation. ~9.6% of GDP. The tax take is currently ~30% gdp. Seen as too high and should be lower.

Lets say a gov did this. The effects wouldn't be immediate as some aspects would take years. Cost of living would figure.

So there is only one feasible idea. Try and increase growth. Issues that may cause are in some ways irrelevant. Hit 2% and something can be done about the situation.

Time for people to realise they live in a country with a number of serious problems.
When you've lost the argument, cry racist. - righto.

Do you think economic growth cannot be achieved without more people?
Do you think having more people means people get better services and quality of life?

I happen to think the answer is to help and motivate people get better skills, so they can earn more. More net contributors and fewer net benefiters is the answer. Just think what the NHS could do, if fewer people had lifestyle inflicted conditions.

There is nothing racist or capitalist about wanting your country to remain competitive on the word stage so that global companies invest in UK PLC.
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Just wondering about the most basic need for all these houses to be built where are the trained tradesmen going to appear from . The standard of new builds in this country is pretty bad already never mind sticking even more 6 weeks tradesmen out there
Nothing wrong with a nice new build, built to budget..

When you've lost the argument, cry racist. - righto.

Do you think economic growth cannot be achieved without more people?
Do you think having more people means people get better services and quality of life?

I happen to think the answer is to help and motivate people get better skills, so they can earn more. More net contributors and fewer net benefiters is the answer. Just think what the NHS could do, if fewer people had lifestyle inflicted conditions.

There is nothing racist or capitalist about wanting your country to remain competitive on the word stage so that global companies invest in UK PLC.

And when you have no argument, you present only the arguments and options that support your position.

While "more people" does not guarantee growth, neither does it preclude it.
Similarly, it neither guarantees nor precludes greater productivity, levels of service, or quality of life.

Your NHS paragraph is interesting, and I agree (albeit with caveat).
Net contribution and beneficiary can be purely in headcount, in skills, in graft, and any combination of the three.

And wanting to be a great place to live AND being worldwide-competitively can't be achieved - realistically, anyway - by pulling up the drawbridge.
If for no other reason than you can't train anyone in anything worthwhile, overnight.
Just wondering about the most basic need for all these houses to be built where are the trained tradesmen going to appear from . The standard of new builds in this country is pretty bad already never mind sticking even more 6 weeks tradesmen out there
And don't forget materials. Boss is having to order weeks in front of starting a job to ensure everything is in place be before he starts. He fairly lucky he can store materials in a locked compound.
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