Build, build, build.

Read page 5 on.

I thought you'd be familiar with their manifesto pledges.. apparently not.


page 5

There are other policies that will not need primary legislation to be put into effect.We will implement each of these through different routes.
For example, we willwrite to the Low Pay Commission to change its remit requiring it to take accountof the cost of living.Ending “one-sided flexibility”
•The last Labour government tackled the scourge of low hourly pay with theminimum wage. We now face a modern challenge of insecurity, where newtechnologies and ways of working mean too many face insecurity overworking hours.
• The UK labour market performs well in creating jobs and new opportunitiesto work flexibly brings benefits for many workers. But whilst this has oftenbenefitted the poorest in society bringing people into work, without propersafeguards, this becomes one-sided, with workers bearing all the risk andunable to plan and live.
• We are committed to Securonomics, which will give working peoplesecurity in their day-to-day lives – this involves banning exploitative zerohours contracts and ending fire and rehire.
• The lengthy wait for basic rights means the risk of moving jobs falls toheavily on the worker. As a result, people are less inclined to move jobs,posing risks to productivity.
• Developed countries across the world are acting to tackle one-sidedflexibility, ensuring new technologies and ways of working are mutuallybeneficial.
• The Conservative Government consulted seven years ago on this issue,asking the Low Pay Commission and experts for views, but has shamefullydragged its feet.
• Meanwhile business and workers miss out. As the Taylor Review foundworkers being able to work when they want is a good thing, but not knowingwhether you have work from one day to the next is not.

Zero hours contracts and one-sided flexibilityLabour will end ‘one sided’ flexibility and ensure all jobs provide a baseline level ofsecurity and predictability, banning exploitative zero hours contracts andensuring everyone has the right to have a contract that reflects the number ofhours they regularly work, based on a twelve-week reference period.We have an ongoing commitment to protect the integrity of these policies andwill put in place anti-avoidance measures where necessary. We will ensure allworkers get reasonable notice of any change in shifts or working time, with
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Hello Himmy. They let you out already? :rolleyes:
Is that your considered response to my questions?
What do the "rules" say about the right to claim asylum?
What do the "rules" say about accommodating asylum seekers pending a decision?
What do the "rules" say about processing asylum seekers?
Or what do the "rules" say about repatriating failed asylum seekers to another country?
If we're going to follow the rules, we must follow all of them, not just the ones that happen to be convenient.
Nor invent imaginary new "rules" to suit our convenience.
Is that because your imaginary rules are pie-in-the-sky?
Them's the rules.
Instead of responding with answers to sensible questions, your resort to daft comments.
Please tell us about these rules about repatriating asylum seekers to the last safe country they travelled through.

If you can't or won't. I'll assume it's proof that your imaginary rules were just right-wing anti-foreigner inaccurate tropes?
The private sector have always fired people they don’t want or like, with a big pay off and an NDA, regardless of the legal protections in force.
I quoted page 5 in its entirety above - so perhaps its another page he was referencing or just made it up?
So you did.. but you missed the part in my thread where I said page 5 on

Currently an employer can terminate a contract for any non-statutory reason within the first two years of employment, the employer is safe, because the employee does not acquire protection from unfair dismissal within the first 2 years of employment. An example of unfair dismissal that is currently lawful is:

"We have decided to terminate your contract as we don't feel you are a good fit for the company. We will pay your contractual notice."

Now the embarrassing part for @JohnD, @denso13 @Brigadier is that its clearly spelled out..

Our New Deal will include basic individual rights from day one for all workers, ending the current arbitrary system that leaves workers waiting up to two years to access basic rights of protection against unfair dismissal, parental leave and sick pay.
This will not prevent fair dismissal, which includes dismissal for reasons of capability, conduct or redundancy, or probationary periods with fair and transparent rules and processes. We will ensure employers can operate probationary periods to assess new hires. However, the changes will help to ensure that newly hired workers are not fired without reason or cause and will help drive up standards in workplaces.

Now you might think this is a good thing..

But many global and international roles are UK or US based, because of the flexibility the employer has, to take a chance on the employee safe in the knowledge they have 2 years to see how it goes.

If the above pledge is carried out, we will have the toughest employment rights in Europe from an employer perspective.
Now the embarrassing part for @JohnD, @denso13 @Brigadier is that its clearly spelled out..
It is.

"Our New Deal will include basic individual rights from day one for all workers, ending the current arbitrary system that leaves workers waiting up to two years to access basic rights of protection against unfair dismissal, parental leave and sick pay.
This will not prevent fair dismissal, which includes dismissal for reasons of capability, conduct or redundancy, or probationary periods with fair and transparent rules and processes. We will ensure employers can operate probationary periods to assess new hires. However, the changes will help to ensure that newly hired workers are not fired without reason or cause and will help drive up standards in workplaces."

MBK doesn't like fairness.
Now the embarrassing part for @JohnD, @denso13 @Brigadier is that its clearly spelled out..

The embarrassing part for you - one among many - is you broadcasting the fact that you are so clearly not competent or professional enough to set out protections for both yourself and your new recruit, that would be lawful, fair, and transparent for both parties.
Simply, you like the idea of winging it for 2 yrs, because it requires no effort on your part.

It is not myself, John, or Denso who have anything to be embarrassed about.
MBK doesn't like fairness.
I like fairness, but I also like high employment rates. I wonder out of UK, France, Spain, Germany, Belgium, which country has the lowest unemployment rate.

The embarrassing part for you - one among many - is you broadcasting the fact that you are so clearly not competent or professional enough to set out protections for both yourself and your new recruit, that would be lawful, fair, and transparent for both parties.
Simply, you like the idea of winging it for 2 yrs, because it requires no effort on your part.

It is not myself, John, or Denso who have anything to be embarrassed about.

Aww bless, you think you can draft a contract that can trump statutory employment rights. Good luck with that.

I like the idea of being able to hire people quickly and give them time to bed in. I don't like the idea of having to terminate an employee within a month, because they haven't quite got off to the best start. Now if the new government said they would roll back the right to protection from unfair dismissal from 2 years to 1 year (as it used to be), I would be entirely supportive.

1 year is plenty of time. 0-3 months isn't. UK jobs will suffer if this change comes in. We are currently seen as the best place to hire for many high paid professions.
I don't like the idea of having to terminate an employee within a month, because they haven't quite got off to the best start.

You don't have to, you melt: you set KPIs, and monitor performance against those.
Like you would for someone who had been with you for ten years, or more.
I like the idea of being able to hire people quickly and give them time to bed in.

What you are saying is "I like not being accountable for mistakes that I make, because I can't be bothered to carry out basic checks with any degree of diligence".
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