Burning The Koran

Did we learn nothing after Neville Chamberlain waved his bit of paper?

If we don't learn history's lessons - then we are doomed to repeat them.
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It's funny how these extremists get so upset over someone attacking their religion - surely if you are confident in your beliefs then it shouldn't matter what anyone says.

Seems to me that many muslims don't really have that much faith in their religion that they need to kick off or kill people that object or even merely to question it.

It would be the height of bad taste to site this mosque anywhere near Ground Zero - why is the Western world always trying to placate these lunatics?
It's funny how these extremists get so upset over someone attacking their religion - surely if you are confident in your beliefs then it shouldn't matter what anyone says.

Seems to me that many muslims don't really have that much faith in their religion that they need to kick off or kill people that object or even merely to question it.

It would be the height of bad taste to site this mosque anywhere near Ground Zero - why is the Western world always trying to placate these lunatics?
Oil, oil and more oil :evil:
Their religion/culture is less than 1500 years old, pretty new as far as religion is concerned. In the 1500's christianity was butchering slaughtering and burning at the stake any sort of heresy.
The western culture, based upon christianity has moved on in an enlightened way, of tolerance and justice for all.
Islam is stuck in the old testament. with all of its bloodthirsty intolerance, vengence and retribution, which they believe is the true path to eternal salvation.
I really can't see a solution to this schism between the two cultures, apart from genocide or waiting for god knows how many centuries for them to catch up from being medieval to enlightened.
A measure of their backwardness, is the many protests now going on in Islamic countries against this stupid America pastor. As the vast majority of them live in autocratic/ authoritarian states, they believe that the USA government should just step in and stop what this pastor is doing. They have no concept of democracy or individual freedom, based upon the rule of law, created by the people for the people.
Its just a matter of time. But it will be a long time. Unless there is another coming ;)
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Their religion/culture is less than 1500 years old, pretty new as far as religion is concerned.
you are seriously suggesting that a religion 2000 years old is significantly more advanced than a religion 1500 years old? How does it compare with a religion 5000 years old?

Predominantly Christian European cultures were persecuting and slaughtering members of other religions and cultures 65 years ago, in vast numbers. People used to say "never again" but it was happening again 15 years ago in Europe. It has probably never stopped happening and probably never will. We have to work hard to prevent it, and the growth of racial and ethnic hatred and violence which leads to it.

JohnD";p="1731887 said:
Their religion/culture is less than 1500 years old, pretty new as far as religion is concerned.
you are seriously suggesting that a religion 2000 years old is significantly more advanced than a religion 1500 years old?

Old testament =vengence' retribution, an eye for an eye and death to the non believers
New testament = love thy neighbour, tollerance, vengence is mine sayeth the lord.

Predominantly Christian European cultures were persecuting and slaughtering members of other religions and cultures 65
I take it you refer to WW2
This was predominantly, in Europe, christian on christian, and not in the name of any god. unless Hitler was so deluded
The Japanese did think Hirohito was a god. But he was opposed to the war with the west and was out manouvered by the Japanese military government.
Therefore WW2 had nothing to do with religion, and all to do with despots
...Predominantly Christian European cultures were persecuting and slaughtering members of other religions and cultures 65
I take it you refer to WW2
This was predominantly, in Europe, christian on christian, and not in the name of any god. unless Hitler was so deluded
The Japanese did think Hirohito was a god. But he was opposed to the war with the west and was out manouvered by the Japanese military government.
Therefore WW2 had nothing to do with religion, and all to do with despots
Good god no

Have you never heard of the Holocaust? Jews, Jehova's witnesses, Gypsies, Slavs - I did not say it was in the name of a god. I said it was perpetrated by a predominantly Christian culture.

I see you are skipping over the revolting genocide, by an avowedly Christian culture, in Europe 15 years ago
You are missing the point. Islamists wage war (Jihad) on the West because they believe it's the written word (as in the old testament) and it will lead to martyrdom and therefore eternal salvation. So it is done in the name of god, a wrathful vengeful violent god.
The conflicts you refer to including the Balkans conflict, after the collapse of Yugoslavia, were nothing to do with any scriptures. or written word, It was to do with ethnicity. Perpotrataed by undemocratic, despotic supremacists. And it took the democratic west, whose culture is based upon christian values to put a stop to it, regretably they had to use violence
The balken war you are refering to was essentially engaged to save the muslim populations of that part of the world, many of whom had illegally entered from Albania. So in short a Christian war on another Christian country to save muslims. So perhaps the muslim world would be grateful intead of attacking the west?
And if you're talking sixty odd years ago don't forget to look here
or here
or herehttp://christianactionforisrael.org/antiholo/arabnazi.html
or just google it :cry:
For what it's worth I can see the pastors motives but have to say that it's not the brightest of ideas.
When there is talk of illegal wars I'll always maintain that the bombing of Serbia was such.
I have been thinking about this and yes burn the books and go out for all out war, its what they want so give it to them. nuke the lot of them :eek:
Their religion/culture is less than 1500 years old, pretty new as far as religion is concerned.
you are missing my point, that people of the Christiuan religion and European cultures have commited equally wicked acts, in vast numbers.

No use trying to pretend it is just the muslims who do it.
The little old paster has been stopped from doing what he wanted to do.
Nothing illegal or dangerous just a mere act to show his distaste for terroism.
We have fought many wars so that we are all free and can act as we wish within the law.

The terrorists have won.
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