Do you think genuine black women are amused by the mischief making of someone whose income is generated by the race industry?
Just another professional 'victim' encouraging others to make an excuse instead of making something more beneficial and creative.
You mean, as opposed to the non-genuine black women?
Read about the charity, what it does and the salaries - none until recently.
The old crone's questions - if they were as Ms Fulani reports, which may be in doubt - were absolutely stereotypical of what not to say. Lady Toff should at least have known what Fulani was about, which encompasses everyone and his dog disrespecting the group Fulani represents, which does have a particular problem. It was founded as a result of traditional domestic violence to their women, being ignored or mishandled by all - including the police. The charity started as a place for African heritage women to go when they'd been abused - the police having earned disrespect.
If I were representing white middle aged men I'd be offended by some privileged ignorant host's functionary, referring to me/us as "you people".
Of course Fulani is telling people about it. The repellent behaviour is symptomatic of the problem, so that's her job.
In the past the women have been told words to the effect of "We can't do anything about it because bruises don't show on you skin", and "you lot are tough you can take it". Ugh.
Asking about Fulani's ancestry was perfectly reasonable as Vine's phoners said, but it was the attitude revealed in the words the Lady Of the Household used, which showed the attitude, which she was incompetent in revealing.
"We are going to have a problem with you" wasn't quite what she said but it was implied.
Who the hell did she mean by "We"? British Establishment? If so, she was right.