buy or rent?

This is what i was trying to drive home in those block heads of theres but leave him to it let him listen to what he wants to ear i hope he buys the flat tomorrow its the last time i try to help someone out.
No you weren't, you steaming great charlatan.

Amusing you certainly are, but don't go trying to explain away as "help" your compulsive need to spout off, show off, and crow over other people. It doesn't wash.
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Opinions differ, and prices fluctuate, but:

if you pay a mortgage for 20 years, you end up owning a house

if you pay rent for 20 years you don't

so the rent would have to be quite a lot cheaper to make it a good economic proposition. You'd have to persuade yourself that the money you saved by renting could be tucked safely away and would end up being enough to buy a house for cash at the end of 20 years. Almost certainly it wouldn't, even if you could stop yourself spending it on sweets and fizzy drinks.

think of a house as a place to live, and it is a sensible buy. Start to think of it as a get-rich-quick scheme and who knows? House price inflation or collapse only matters if you have more houses than you need. If you have one house, and live in one house, it doesn't matter to you what it's price does. If you sell it you will have to get another, whose price will also have gone up (or down)

If you are an investor, in gold, oil, shares or houses, you should be aware that "timing the market" is just a gamble. Your guess might be lucky or unlucky.

see also
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Just don't have 3 kids, an endowment and an ISA to top up your hopelessly underperforming fund, as after 20 years you'll still owe nearly as much :(
a simple repayment mortgage ended up best for me. I was even able to change it to interest-only betweeen jobs, and pay off some extra lumps when times improved.