Looking to rent out

you can buy Doncaster for £400, what a total dump... i am biased however. SHUT junction 32 off the M1.
what basis do you have for this outburst? Doncaster is served by at least 6 motorway junctions anyway :p
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You will if gas is fitted need a safety cert. and another document detailing the insulation value of the house.

I have let for many years and it does have the occasional hiccup but just deal with it and move on.

If you do get a DHSS tenant do not accept a deposit bond. They can be fraught with problems. Get cash off the tenant which makes them more responsible for the property. I get £1000 deposit which is with an agency who do not charge to look after it.

No matter what keep your cool with tenants because they 'no not what they do to frustrate you.'
I bought my house, a 2 up 2 down semi in 2010 for £77k. It last sold in 2005 for £92k. ?
Not a bad rise in price .... My parents bought similar in 1969 for £ 4 k sold in 2000 for £95k. peterperfection is dead right - those days are gone - they were The Golden Decades of the 20th. Century. Get reading some history books and prepare for life as it was " between the Wars " ;)
you can buy Doncaster for £400, what a total dump... i am biased however. SHUT junction 32 off the M1.
what basis do you have for this outburst? Doncaster is served by at least 6 motorway junctions anyway :p

nothing personal, Doncaster just owes me 15k (thought it was 16) actually its alright I suppose. :)
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I bought my house, a 2 up 2 down semi in 2010 for £77k. It last sold in 2005 for £92k. ?
Not a bad rise in price .... My parents bought similar in 1969 for £ 4 k sold in 2000 for £95k. peterperfection is dead right - those days are gone - they were The Golden Decades of the 20th. Century. Get reading some history books and prepare for life as it was " between the Wars " ;)

Reading between the lines, i would say you live in a deprived area, as in not much employment excetera, here in Bristol prices are slowly creeping up, but no matter where you buy, give it time and you'll make a profit. :cool:
Its not a fantastic area granted, but i can think of much worse areas of south yorkshire and doncaster itself. Here, prices have barely moved since i bought. But with improvements i think i may have some profit in it.
Sit on it, i still think inflation is not far away, the pound devalues and wages and prices increase. :cool:
Doncaster has a private landlord scheme through St Leger Homes who manage Doncaster Council properties.

They will find and vet tenants, chase tenants for missing rent etc, carry out repairs for you, (aslong as you pay, its still your property) do annual gas and electric tests, the rent is based on what council tenants are charged, a small fee is deducted each month for them. You can sit back and relax, the scheme has been getting good write ups in the local press and seems to be working well, I believe similar schemes are being set up in other boroughs.
Unfortunately I would advise that you avoid DSS (as mentioned). The majority of them have no regard for your property and will demolish it several times over. I sometimes work in these properties and it's not unusual to fit two or three bath screens in one year. The DSS in their wisdom pay the tenant rather than the landlord, so if your tenant has a problem with drink, drugs or whatever, thats where the money will go and you will be left waiting. One little trick is to keep the landlord waiting for several months (knowing that it is a long drawn out process to evict them) and then disappearing to another area so they can be re-housed and claim again - pocketing your rent.
Unfortunately I would advise that you avoid DSS (as mentioned). The majority of them have no regard for your property and will demolish it several times over. I sometimes work in these properties and it's not unusual to fit two or three bath screens in one year. The DSS in their wisdom pay the tenant rather than the landlord, so if your tenant has a problem with drink, drugs or whatever, thats where the money will go and you will be left waiting. One little trick is to keep the landlord waiting for several months (knowing that it is a long drawn out process to evict them) and then disappearing to another area so they can be re-housed and claim again - pocketing your rent.

Most DSS people choose to live that way. It beats working- and like Squeaky says- they dont give a toss about anyone or anything- except themselves and feeding their habit.
Of course- some people on DSS are genuine nice people- who just happen to have had some bad luck or misfortune to have found themselves mixing with 'standard DSS' scrotes.
Under no circumstances- should you accept dss people as a tenant . If you do- it will bring you untold misery and heartache.
Your place would be better left empty rather than take that path .
Always remember too-the best conman is the most plausable conman/scrote.
Ignore this advice at your peril.
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