Calm before the storm

but Ellal has:
Remove the influence that the usual vested interests exert.

And you can only do that by changing the electoral system so that their influences are watered down.

A two party system only benefits the two parties!

Would you not then get another bunch of people with similar views creating a party that a %of the population don't agree with. And you would have a party in power with less of a majority than we have now.
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Would you not then get another bunch of people with similar views creating a party that a %of the population don't agree with. And you would have a party in power with less of a majority than we have now.
You mean it would be necessary to have government by consent of the majority of the House, which could only be achieved by negotiation, compromise, representation of all of the ideologies?
Instead there are violent swings every few years from one ideology to another opposing one.
You mean it would be necessary to have government by consent of the majority of the House, which could only be achieved by negotiation, compromise, representation of all of the ideologies?
Instead there are violent swings every few years from one ideology to another opposing one.

Could this lead to getting no decision and going round in circles like it was before the last election
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Our time has past we can't compete with China. I'd rather compete with let's Say Canada and Australia for quality of life.. There you go I've named you two better examples.

By the way, The UK has close geographical neighbours that can help out with any UK labour shortages. Don't forget to factor that in.(y)

You need to factor in those countries that rely on imported labour that already have a locally available source. Like the USA for example.
Could this lead to getting no decision and going round in circles like it was before the last election
The reason for going round in circles was absolutely because one party wanted its version of Brexit, and refused to consider 'a decision of national unity'.

A more representative government would have initiated (because the majority party would not have an overall majority and would know they would need) a policy that was acceptable to a majority.
The reason for going round in circles was absolutely because one party wanted its version of Brexit, and refused to consider 'a decision of national unity'.

You're right that the ruling Conservatives refused to set up an all-party approach, but wrong in thinking that they wanted a particular version of Brexit.

Brexers have never been able to agree what sort of Brexit they wanted. Not before the referendum, not before issuing the A50 resignation letter, not before starting negotiations, not before the General Elections, not before illegally attempting to prorogue Parliament, not before extending the leave date, not before refusing to extend the leave date. And still not, now.

Failing to agree helped them win the Referendum, because people with different and contrary views could be tricked into voting for it; but it is one of the reasons why it is impossible for anybody to achieve a version of Brexit that will satisfy Brexers.

Or anybody else.
Here's a scenario.

Let's imagine we had a PM who shagged a pole dancer after bunging her a bit of taxpayer's cash.

A so called 'inquiry' finds he doesn't have a case to answer, but should of declared his 'interests'.

In our FPTP party system all his equally corrupt buddies will be giving him a virtual pat on the back whilst sniggering 'that's another one swept under the carpet, just as we knew it would be'

However under PR, other politicians making up a coalition could pull the rug from under the corrupt lying bastard's feet and maybe bring back a bit of accountability!

You need to factor in those countries that rely on imported labour that already have a locally available source. Like the USA for example.

Don't get you. Why not Australia possibly the most cosmopolitan country in the world or Canada who's not far behind.

I have no time to Google for facts but I believe Toronto has the biggest Jamaican population outside of Jamaica... Whilst Melbourne has the biggest Greek population outside of Athens. What makes America different
You know this as a fact do you.... Are the police looking into this
Do keep up...

Of course Borisconi gets his whitewash as regards criminal charges, whilst his pecker apparently got a bit damp.

But hey, that's what a non independent inquiry organisation is there for.
(The IOPC is funded by the home office, so priti nazi probably had a bit of input ;) )
but Ellal has:
Remove the influence that the usual vested interests exert.

And you can only do that by changing the electoral system so that their influences are watered down.

A two party system only benefits the two parties!

No, Ellal's just given an idea or a theory. I was asking for an actual working example of a country with a political system that runs to his approval. Only answer he can give is 'tedious picking' and I've never heard of a country called that.
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Here's a scenario.

Let's imagine we had a PM who shagged a pole dancer after bunging her a bit of taxpayer's cash.

A so called 'inquiry' finds he doesn't have a case to answer, but should of declared his 'interests'.

In our FPTP party system all his equally corrupt buddies will be giving him a virtual pat on the back whilst sniggering 'that's another one swept under the carpet, just as we knew it would be'

However under PR, other politicians making up a coalition could pull the rug from under the corrupt lying bastard's feet and maybe bring back a bit of accountability!
Never going to happen in this country. You’d best....Oops, I nearly said it. :rolleyes:
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