I solved a similar dillema. I thought of it this way. TV in spare, a freeview box plugs into TV via scart socket, aerial then plugs into freeview box, OK.
But no aerial supply, an amplified indoor aerial was rubbish. A qoute to have a new aerial install- £140. So what I done was to connect my extra freeview box downstairs (the one for the spare room) with a UHF aerial Y splitter, added a video sender to it then connected the video sender reciever to my TV in the spare room, so the video sender became the scart lead...Cost £30.
But no aerial supply, an amplified indoor aerial was rubbish. A qoute to have a new aerial install- £140. So what I done was to connect my extra freeview box downstairs (the one for the spare room) with a UHF aerial Y splitter, added a video sender to it then connected the video sender reciever to my TV in the spare room, so the video sender became the scart lead...Cost £30.