Can you Recommend a Power Supply Please?

26 Jun 2013
Reaction score
Mid Glamorgan
United Kingdom
I have two ELV lights that were, until recently, powered by a small power supply. Both lights failed at the same time and after investigating with a multimeter I found that there is now no voltage output on the secondary terminals of the power supply. There is mains voltage at the input.

With this in mind I would like to replace the power supply but cannot find a direct replacement on a UK website. The current model seems to be European.

The device is marked as follows:
Novitronix 9803AR
Elektronischer Transformator
Primary 230V~/240V~/0.25A 50Hz
Secondary 12V~ eff./60W, Secondary 40KHz
tc=+70C max; ta=+40C max

Approx dimensions 3cm deep, 13.5cm long, 3.7cm wide. The dimensions are important as it is currently installed in a double width back box behind a blanking plate.

The current power supply has been in place for 10 years so I would like to purchase something that will have a similar lifespan and would prefer something from a known brand/supplier.

Thanks in advance for your help.
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Awesome - thank you very much for your prompt reply. As an added bonus I have found a Toolstation near me, I previously used Screwfix as my primary 'go to' for this type of thing.

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