This is all totally correct, however how many times recently have we seen questions on here relating to single and earth? I raised the interference issue [eddycurrents] not many years back and received criticism from many posters and not a single defence. As an AFILS installer and user I'm very aware of the issue and all of a sudden I see agreement with my thoughts.My concern is eddy currents, if flow and return/ live and neutral do not follow exactly the same route. Low current garden lights will likely not produce much of a problem, none the less it is very bad practice to separate the two.
Basically - any current flowing through a conductor creates a magnetic field around it, which in the case of ac current is how a transformer operates. Any steel through which such a lone cable passes can have an eddy current induced into it, generating heat. Having both flow and return adjacent to each other, cancels this out completely. Basically, you never drill a hole in iron or steel and pass just the flow or return through it, always both through the same hole. You never run either flow or return by itself in a conduit, always both flow and return to avoid this issue.
Anyway back to the question in hand;
How are these cable run?
Are they very close together or even in a conduit?
Also, what do you mean by 3 circuits, some applications are easily catered for with what you have?
More details please and pictures always help.