Car insurance advice on parent handmedown

4 Jun 2007
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United Kingdom
Hi Folks
Whats best ie cheapest on car insurance.I have put a deposit on a secondhand car for my wife today.The plan is to pass my wife's old car on to my daughter who was a named second driver on my wifes policy
Is it better to keep that policy going and get new policy for new car for my wife only(does her no claims bonus carry for new car)or start new policies for wife and daughter.
Wife has full NCB
Daughter has built up 1 years NCB
thanks for any advice
Every car has to have insurance in its own right, your daughter will need to take insurance out to cover the hand me down.

I thanks for reply could my wife be the owner and policy holder for 2 cars and NCB used on both.
Insurance policies have the registration number on them, and are all kept in a data base.
Your daughter would be better off starting her own policy, and building up her NCB she already has one year.

I thanks for reply could my wife be the owner and policy holder for 2 cars and NCB used on both.
No. if your daughter is the main driver of her car then she must be the policy holder and first on the policy. If you use your wife's name as first driver, and there is an accident, the insurance would have a good case not to pay out, because your wife has her own car on which she is also first driver - it would be obvious you were trying to get out of paying full whack for your daughter. Its fraud.

Simply transfer the V5 to your daughter and let her handle everything, keep it nice and legal.
I thanks for reply could my wife be the owner and policy holder for 2 cars and NCB used on both.
No. if your daughter is the main driver of her car then she must be the policy holder and first on the policy. If you use your wife's name as first driver, and there is an accident, the insurance would have a good case not to pay out, because your wife has her own car on which she is also first driver - it would be obvious you were trying to get out of paying full whack for your daughter. Its fraud.

Simply transfer the V5 to your daughter and let her handle everything, keep it nice and legal.

rubbish i'm first named driver on no less than 4 vehicles each has its own insurance with at least one other named driver on each and each has its own no claims ranging from 1 year to 4 years per individual driver/s
I thanks for reply could my wife be the owner and policy holder for 2 cars and NCB used on both.
No. if your daughter is the main driver of her car then she must be the policy holder and first on the policy. If you use your wife's name as first driver, and there is an accident, the insurance would have a good case not to pay out, because your wife has her own car on which she is also first driver - it would be obvious you were trying to get out of paying full whack for your daughter. Its fraud.

Simply transfer the V5 to your daughter and let her handle everything, keep it nice and legal.

rubbish i'm first named driver on no less than 4 vehicles each has its own insurance with at least one other named driver on each and each has its own no claims ranging from 1 year to 4 years per individual driver/s
Sorry to disagree, but this practice is deemed to be illegal by insurance companys, it's known as fronting, and is seen as fraud, the insurance companys, have every right not to pay out in the event of a claim.
Google Insurance fronting

I thanks for reply could my wife be the owner and policy holder for 2 cars and NCB used on both.
No. if your daughter is the main driver of her car then she must be the policy holder and first on the policy. If you use your wife's name as first driver, and there is an accident, the insurance would have a good case not to pay out, because your wife has her own car on which she is also first driver - it would be obvious you were trying to get out of paying full whack for your daughter. Its fraud.

Simply transfer the V5 to your daughter and let her handle everything, keep it nice and legal.

rubbish i'm first named driver on no less than 4 vehicles each has its own insurance with at least one other named driver on each and each has its own no claims ranging from 1 year to 4 years per individual driver/s
Sorry to disagree, but this practice is deemed to be illegal by insurance companys, it's known as fronting, and is seen as fraud, the insurance companys, have every right not to pay out in the event of a claim.
Google Insurance fronting


I have a car which is registered in my name with my son registered as the main driver and kept at his address. I have full no claims bonus and I cleared this with my insurance company and they accepted - saving I might add about £500
this fronting problem has been going on for years,been mentioned numerous times in 'auto express'and its something the insurance companys and police are apparentley now starting to stamp down on.
if you like playing poker then so be it,but be advised that if caught then the insurance company will do there upmost not to pay out when needed.
Insurance companies monitor THIS site, so you just broke the promise of cheap insurance.
the policy holder DOES NOT need to be the main driver, you can stipulate a named driver to be the main driver, but TBH, unless you are doing it with a high no claims, there is no point.

Conversly, put your daughter on as the policy holder so she can get her own no-claims, but put yourself/wife on as named drivers, even if you are occasional driver it can lower the policy cost, and is still legal, and you can drive the car should you ever need to.