Carry on Lab Rats...

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In the past couple of weeks I've seen a surge in cases of mainstream media reports about unvaccinated people dying of covid.

Note that I said a surge in cases of mainstream media reports about unvaccinated people dying of covid rather than a surge in unvaccinated people dying of covid.

Proper propaganda!
So, that's the exception then, his death was Covid but all the others weren't.

It's amazing how a disease that hardly kills anyone (in your opinion) just happened to kill someone in good health. It's even more amazing that all these other diseases have magically changed their symptoms at the same time to mimic this entirely benign disease.

As for why there's a rash of these stories, because there's still a group of idiots that don't believe vaccines save lives.
In other lab rat news:
However, the data showed that there would be 934 extra cases of thrombocytopenia for every 10 million people after infection, compared with 107 after the first shot of the AstraZeneca jab. For ischaemic strokes, there would be an estimated 1,699 extra cases for every 10 million people after infection, while there would be only 143 extra cases after the first Pfizer jab.
Thank you to our control group, their sacrifices allow us to know the real risks and to help guide people's choices.

But now we know that you're 10 times more likely to have a blood clot after Covid-19 than after the vaccine, perhaps those with concerns will rethink their choices.
The scientists said this from the outset, but some people didn't listen. Now there is new scientific evidence, maybe they will all change their minds ...
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as the anti-vaxxers don't believe anything in the MSM.

Don't be so naïve! The BMJ Publishing Group is in on the scam! It's all just made up nonsense, these "experts" are just administrators working for the MSM and corrupt government that want to kill us all!
Any way in order to find new cures
The medical industry need people to test all these concoctions on so as to see if they are safe

certain people in society should be made to volunteer imo
Luckily, many people are happy to volunteer. As soon as the vaccine/s was created, people happily volunteered to test their safety for humans.
We are lucky there are so many selfless people in our society.
The scientists said this from the outset, but some people didn't listen. Now there is new scientific evidence, maybe they will all change their minds ...
Since the position of their "minds" was never based on any evidence or facts or an interest in the truth it wont be changed by any more evidence or facts or truths.

The best we can do is to minimise the deaths they are responsible for by denying them, as much as possible, ways to spread their disease.
Any way in order to find new cures
The medical industry need people to test all these concoctions on so as to see if they are safe

certain people in society should be made to volunteer imo
The recovery trial, which helped confirm Dexamethasone and other treatments reported that they're having trouble recruiting people into new trials as so many of the people who are catching Covid don't believe it exists and so refuse to take part.

Quite literally anti science.
Quite literally anti science.

Largely due to social media - people literally believe idiots that get shouty and excited rather than highly educated and trained experts.
Far right groups are largely behind it to disrupt government and generally cause chaos, which can then be blamed on other groups and demographics. Evil bunch.
The recovery trial, which helped confirm Dexamethasone and other treatments reported that they're having trouble recruiting people into new trials as so many of the people who are catching Covid don't believe it exists and so refuse to take part.
And some of them will die.

Quite literally anti science.
Quite metaphorically Darwinism.
Utter nonsense, the number of excess deaths over normal will tell you that.

The way covid deaths are certified and reported is highly suspect; the system for certifying deaths was changed at the start of the covid hysteria last year in a way that made almost every death subsequent to the change, however tenuously linked to covid, ascribed to covid. Since that change there have been far fewer recorded deaths from influenza, which suggests that covid is flu rebranded. As for the number of excess deaths over normal - is it a significant amount? Are you talking deaths as percentages of the population or purely numbers? Given that I don't subscribe to the covid hysteria if there really is a large number of excess deaths these could be the non-covid deaths of people denied essential treatment due to the hospitals and GPs' surgeries being closed to non-covid patients.
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however tenuously linked to covid, ascribed to covid

"ONS data are based on what doctors responsible for a patient in their final illness write on the death certificate to the best of [their] knowledge and belief,”

So all of the doctors in the country are in on the conspiracy as well?

GPs' surgeries being closed to non-covid patients

Mine, and the surrounding ones, have never closed to non-covid patients. This is how lies and misinformation starts.
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