The facts are that far from destoying lives, believers in Christianity lead healthier and more fulfilled lives than non believers.
Your assertions are far from fact.The pew study finds no happiness difference in many countries.I have no idea how they come to there conclusions,and even they find religious people tend to be fatter and less fit.
For the sake of debate,let us assume that Christians are happier than non Christians.That is never ever,any excuse for teaching children the contents of the bible as scientific fact.The Earth is 6k years old,Noah’s flood created the Grand Canyon in 1 year,evolution is nonsense,God was never created,,God is eternal,etc etc,,Society cannot teach people 2000 old nonsense as fact,just because it very dubiously might make them happier.Science has no problem stating it does not have all the answers to the above questions,but through Astronomy,Geology,DNA science and a Myriad of other small discoveries,it advances.Reliigion on the other hand,has the bible,no evidence,,and it’s only answer is,,,it is all down to god,you cannot understand god,,he is limitless...Full stop.