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Unbelievable stuff.

This subject has been debated on here a few times now, and it never ceases to amaze me how defensive and self righteous cat owners can be.

It's really simple stuff. If a neighbours dog hurdled it's backside over your fence and crapped on your lawn, on a daily basis, you'd be quite rightly upset about it.

Why can't cat owners hold their hands up and admit that they can understand peoples frustrations. But they won't. They never do.

Thank you-- You hit the nail right on the head .
I really am surprised that nobody else has elected to speak out on this subject on here.
Maybe it's the fear of intimidation and insults by cat owners that worries them ?.
you'd be quite rightly upset about it.

Not really.

I'd return their property to them through their letterbox.

Problem solved

That is what I intend to do .
I have to say though- that I have done it with doggypoo -right through a neighbours letter box.
I did however- place the turds in a plastic bag .
Next time- the turds went 'COMMANDO'. :)
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Why can't cat owners hold their hands up and admit that they can understand peoples frustrations. But they won't. They never do.
Ahem! I do understand and I’m not sure anyone has actually said they don’t LMB..??

The truth of the matter is this, and I am being completely honest, I have a big problem in my neighbourhood with dog crap than I ever have with cat crap. And that is a fact mate! What’s more I don’t think I have ever seen a cat dump on the pavement but that place, for some reason, is every dogs favourite dumping ground! Antoher fact is I’ve never trodden in cat poo but I have many times in a dog crappie turd!

Now you can blame the owners all you like but I think it’s a bit rich to say cat owners are selfish and irresponsible in the light of this fact, (both literally and problematically). Also, I think you’ll find dogs are more responsible for child blindness than cats.

“You want the truth? You can’t handle the truth!” ;)
Sh!te on a path or road is easy to avoid. Sh1t in grass or in/on soil is easily hidden-and easy to step in. Especially- (as we all know) cats specialise in covering their tracks OKA s h!te.

I really dont know what the answer is --maybe put a catcrap muzzle/collector on a cats ringpiece --just so when they 'do it' they can keep it until they take it 'right back home .
Why can't cat owners hold their hands up and admit that they can understand peoples frustrations. But they won't. They never do.
Ahem! I do understand and I’m not sure anyone has actually said they don’t LMB..??

The truth of the matter is this, and I am being completely honest, I have a big problem in my neighbourhood with dog crap than I ever have with cat crap. And that is a fact mate! What’s more I don’t think I have ever seen a cat dump on the pavement but that place, for some reason, is every dogs favourite dumping ground! Antoher fact is I’ve never trodden in cat poo but I have many times in a dog crappie turd!

Now you can blame the owners all you like but I think it’s a bit rich to say cat owners are selfish and irresponsible in the light of this fact, (both literally and problematically). Also, I think you’ll find dogs are more responsible for child blindness than cats.

“You want the truth? You can’t handle the truth!” ;)

You're absolutely right about dog owners irresponsibility aswell.
For me, this isn't a dog owner versus cat owner debate, because I own neither.
I'm just one of the millions of people that have to deal with the consequences of said irresponsibility.

When I had young children I had to clear the lawn up before they were allowed to play on it. Why is that acceptable.???
Unbelievable stuff.

This subject has been debated on here a few times now, and it never ceases to amaze me how defensive and self righteous cat owners can be.

It's really simple stuff. If a neighbours dog hurdled it's backside over your fence and crapped on your lawn, on a daily basis, you'd be quite rightly upset about it.

Why can't cat owners hold their hands up and admit that they can understand peoples frustrations. But they won't. They never do.

I don't think the discussion about cats poo is the cause of the lively comments. Cat owners are aware of the problems their pets can cause to neighbours but are just defending themselves against sweeping statements.

In life, any one making sweeping statements are usually 'shot down' in flames whatever the subject.
I have 6 cats and 4 dogs, Clean animals, they can crap where ever they want.
This comparison of dogs and cats suggests some questions.

A responsible dog owner takes his/her dog for a 'walk', lets it $hit on the pavement, picks up the $hit and disposes of it in a bin.

An irresponsible dog owner either takes his/her dog for a 'walk' and leaves the $hit on the pavement, or just lets the animal roam free disposing of its ordure wherever it pleases.

A responsible cat owner either keeps his/her cat indoors permanently (OK if the cat doesn't like to go out) or lets it out. In the latter case, it must poo somewhere, but the owner has no control over where it 'goes'.

My cat is of the second type; if I tried to keep him indoors (I have tried it) he goes mad and refuses to use a litter tray. I think if push came to shove, he would end up becoming ill rather than use the litter tray.

Now, can any of the anti-cat brigade make a sensible suggestion of what I should do to prevent my cat $hitting outdoors?
Now, can any of the anti-cat brigade make a sensible suggestion of what I should do to prevent my cat $hitting outdoors?

The problem isn't your cat crapping outdoors, it's the crapping on other peoples lawns is the problem.

This problem will never be solved, but at the very least, cat owners should have the decency to show some kind of remorse/shame for the daily torture they put their neighbours through.

Why not put it on a lead, take it for a walk, then pick up the crap once deposited.???
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