CCTV, poor night vision

New camera put up today. I found a way to get the cable back through with the oversized BNC connector and power.

Got a old curtain pole that was just the right size. I then pushed the wires in the hole of the pole and jammed it up. Then pushed the pole through the wall hole and pulled out the cables the other side. Saved me having to cut the cables. :)

Well the camera is better than the old one but not the best increase i was hoping for.

Day time images are good and much improved on my crappy ebay camera. Night vision still suffers from a noisy image like the old one but is nothing like the unusable. poor image of the cheap ebay camera.

This new recommend camera is much better but it's not worth £85. I would of expected it to be 85% to 90% quality for that price.

This is about 65% quality.

I may get a pecan that was recommended before but only if I can get it for about £30. I will get one as a back up and as I like the PTZ feature.

I have ordered some cctv baluns off ebay, with cable. I am not sure if this would make and improvemnt but will keep it anyway, for backup.

Also when you buy BNC cable with power, make sure it is twin core, not the cheap and nasty all in one cable. See here for the better cable

I bought some like that too. Plus if you are tight on space, you can split the cable and push one through at a time. ;)

Well i'm not showing any photos, as nobody is interested but here is some photos of, the crappy ebay camera I took down. Like I said, there is no switches on there. I were right.

It does have a sony chip but does not mean quality. Says on chip, Sony CXD3142R. May be that means something to some of you CCTV geeks. :LOL:

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You mention, yet again, noise in the night images. This will always be an issue to some degree. Good light is required for good images. Without it compromises have to be made. Several references were made regards this on page one.

There is never a single best solution but budget does dictate.

As for Pecan. Don't expect miracles. We wouldn't touch them again. Others use them but we've been disappointed.
all to do with lux, not simply how much light there is, there is no light apart from orange glow street lghts in the image below, but thats off a true ir cut filter cameram which sees in low lux, there is no trickery (sens up)

you need a camera that costs about £200 for this: test

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going on the principal if you was in deep cave, coal mine, it would be pitch black so you would not be able to see.

so would night goggles work in a coal mine or deep cave (completely sealed from all light in the same way as alarms sealed room?)

going on the principal if you was in deep cave, coal mine, it would be pitch black so you would not be able to see.

so would night goggles work in a coal mine or deep cave (completely sealed from all light in the same way as alarms sealed room?)

Already answered your silly question.
So please explain how light is not relevant to good image reproduction.
Anyway, bored now. Responded to the OP. Rest of it is just like trying to convince the Ginger whinger - a pointless exercise.
Where did I say this?

I suggest you look back at the posts. Its just above your last reply.
sorry alarm, with you both having al at the start i thought it was you.

any way will night vision googles work in a coal mine or cave?

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