Ceasing smoking...

  • Thread starter ElectricianDirect
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just wish i could stop, i would save on average £70 per week, thats £280 per month, HOLY **** thats £3360.00 per year

i really do need to stop smoking
But what do you smoke ? is it those low tar tasteless things or the sweepings off the floor cheapos :p Get some decent ones that you`ll enjoy and smoke less of them each day -savour every one - Players Navy Cut for example ;)
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IMHO smokers do not know how to relax instead of smoking but do not take time to learn and need to know why you need to shut out everyday concerns and distractions. As ban-all-shed quoted, you can if you want to, why wait for the wake up call, life's too short.
as you can chat to hotties outside a bar, while the stiffs remain inside, watching your stuff!

This is either a wind-up or you're completely delusional.

1. Smoking is a turn-off. I know of at least one instance of a relationship breaking down 'cos one smoked and the other didn't. I know of several never starting due to smoking. I'm sure there are many more instances of which I'm not aware of.

2. Those "stiffs" inside are amazed at you freezing outside in order to pollute your lungs.

3. Those "hotties" are now very much "coldies" 'cos they're outside and smoking.

4. Those "stiffs" inside are now much more comfortable and cleaner 'cos you smokers are outside.

Smoking is a life-changing experience. I stopped meeting up with friends in the pub 'cos I couldn't stand the smoke. Not only the uncomfortable eyes and coughing while in the pub. Also the sickly smell of clothes that had to be washed immediately on arriving home 'cos they made the whole house smell. And the need for a shower 'cos my hair was smelly and itchy. Some of us non-smokers had to go through the "decontamination" process after a night out.
It started by avoiding some pubs but eventually I stopped visiting all pubs. Now that there is no smoking bans I'm occasionally returning to the odd meet-up in the pubs. Most of my friends are also, now non-smokers.
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Must be saving a bomb but can't tell any difference. Don't feel any healthier, still got stamina.
Put on 2 stone tho' and hate meself for that :mad:
John :)

Ditto - although a while before. 60 a day to nothing, but it certainly wasn't easy. I still remember the cold sweats and the obsessive need to be busy, and being incredibly rude to people...

I /did/ work out after 3 months how much I'd saved though, then went out and bought a big telly with it. Look at the prices of fags and tellies now, and I reckon today I could buy two.

It's some, ooh, four years later now? I still haven't lost those two stone.
having a collapsed lung reinflated.

I've had those imported ciggies, and found myself completely off food, and throwing up, that have ruined my teeth, don't buy cheap ciggies. [/b]They have destroyed my taste buds and my teeth, but proper cigs remain, as you can chat to hotties outside a bar,

You have revealed so many things about yourself MM...

pumped up,miserly,tasteless,sickly,toothless,lecherous, wino. :)

You'd have made me a fine roll model in my younger days :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

All the best for the New year. :)
Ditto - although a while before. 60 a day to nothing, but it certainly wasn't easy. I still remember the cold sweats and the obsessive need to be busy, and being incredibly rude to people...

I /did/ work out after 3 months how much I'd saved though, then went out and bought a big telly with it. Look at the prices of fags and tellies now, and I reckon today I could buy two.

It's some, ooh, four years later now? I still haven't lost those two stone.
Well done! , you'll need to know what your calories intake is and also exercising or gym is a big bonus for boosting the metabolic rate which the body will burns up calories. I'm a lot more stress free since joining the gym :)

I understand the quotes from ex smokers, or those going through the pain of giving up, but I personally don't understand the unhealthy aspect to smoking; from my personal point of view, everyone that has died in my Family, or people that I know, nobody that smoked has ever died from cancer. And everyone else that doesn't smoke has died from cancer.

Now it might be argued passive smoking, but surely sucking a neck full of smoke all your life, is worse than getting a wiff of smoke. Unscientific here obviously. 90 year olds smoking 80 a day, a 40 year old dying of cancer, never touched a ciggy, worked in the textile industry, sucking in cotton fibres all their lives.

To me - it doesn't add up, that the government are all over it, but it raises so much tax income for them, not to bother with it too much.
from my personal point of view, everyone that has died in my Family, or people that I know, nobody that smoked has ever died from cancer. And everyone else that doesn't smoke has died from cancer..........

The exeption does not prove (or disprove) the rule.

but it raises so much tax income for them, not to bother with it too much.

I'm confident that the revenue generated from tobacco related products does not cover the costs incurred from smoking related deseases.
Don't forget that it's not just the costs incurred in the health service but also in other related 'care/welfare' services.
I personally don't understand the unhealthy aspect to smoking; from my personal point of view, everyone that has died in my Family, or people that I know, nobody that smoked has ever died from cancer.

It may not be cancer but something else, smoking related.

When you don't understand the problems caused by smoking that does not mean they are not there. Lots of people who smoke do so because they believe it willn't do any harm.

It's just that when they become fatally ill if they hadn't smoked they may have had a chance to recover. One of the worst things you can do to a healthy body is inhale toxin laden air into the lungs.

Our bodies were never evolved to do that. It's only the mind that caused you to take it up. I would think that a mentally retarded person would never entertain the thought of smoking. But because you have a good brain you take up smoking and don't think it will harm you. It does.

Why don't you take up an interest the cigarette money can pay for, lots of people have and never looked back.

Have a good year MM and keep on posting :)
An everyday plumber is never going to fly for NASA because he wants to.
Not strictly true ... An everyday teacher flew for NASA!

She was blown to bits after 73 seconds though so not a great advert for everyday people doing space travel.

I went without a cigarette for the first time in many years... One day, 2 day, 3 day....
Strewth! The side affects of giving up smoking makes swine flu look like a walk through the park.

I am over a year into giving up, but after the first 4 months I wondered if it was all worth it after wheezing and coughing up some really funky stuff!! Now though, I am breathing much better. The downside is that, like burnerman, I have put on around a stone and a bit, but that is purely because I eat more!! The next phase of this is to curb my evening 'picking', and get a bike to go cycling after work, along with my gym stuff :)

I was in the right frame of mind to give up at that moment, I had wanted to give up for years but enjoyed smoking, but it got to the stage where I thought, do I really want to go outside and have a rollie? As most of the posts have said, those that have given up are glad they did, as am I, and I hope I never start again........... but haven't ruled it out!! :LOL:
Stick with it Davy (Crockett)
Shouldn't be too difficult for 'the King of the Wild Frontier' who's 'killed a bear when he was only three'. ;)

You're not only doing yourself a favour but all of those around you as well.
I hope I never start again........... but haven't ruled it out!! :LOL:
A very helpful mental attitude to have is that if you do fall off the wagon, and have a smoke, not to regard yourself as having failed, or "started again".

"OK - last night I smoked. I am not a smoker, so I will not smoke again."
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