Cheap RCBO

A bigger problem than actual counterfeiting is 'copying', where low-cost products just happen to look almost identical to well-known brands, and sometimes even carry a very similar part number. These are sometimes passed-off by unscrupulous sellers as "made in the Chinese factory of XXX" where XXX represents the well-known brand name. In the cases I've investigated it seems that the 'design' process of the backstreet manufacturer was to dismantle a genuine product and copy the dimensions of all the parts, but without knowing the material specifications that's clearly not good enough. Marking on some of these products claiming to meet a standard is meaningless - they are just copying the markings on the product as well as its shape.
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I personally think that its not so much "The Western Brand" that is the important criteria when purchasing stuff (though I'll admit it sure does influence my choice when buying stuff!). It's the traceability. I'd rather have a "new to us, doing a deal" rcd/rcbo made by kungfishu from a local wholesaler (after he'd convinced me of its merits) than a well known brand from an ebay supplier who has a huge Union Flag and "UK Supplier" emblazoned across his (usually badly composed/copied/out of focus) image of what you want to buy. Another put off for me is typo's in their ads. Even worse when they end on a preposition!! (For EFL!! :p)
I personally think that its not so much "The Western Brand" that is the important criteria when purchasing stuff (though I'll admit it sure does influence my choice when buying stuff!). It's the traceability. I'd rather have a "new to us, doing a deal" rcd/rcbo made by kungfishu from a local wholesaler (after he'd convinced me of its merits) than a well known brand from an ebay supplier ...
No real argument with that. However, some wholesalers do stock some pretty cheap/obscure makes, and I think that such products would still concern some people, even if the supply chain were fully traceable.

Kind Regards, John
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I personally think that its not so much "The Western Brand" that is the important criteria when purchasing stuff (though I'll admit it sure does influence my choice when buying stuff!). It's the traceability. I'd rather have a "new to us, doing a deal" rcd/rcbo made by kungfishu from a local wholesaler (after he'd convinced me of its merits) than a well known brand from an ebay supplier who has a huge Union Flag and "UK Supplier" emblazoned across his (usually badly composed/copied/out of focus) image of what you want to buy. Another put off for me is typo's in their ads. Even worse when they end on a preposition!! (For EFL!! :p)
If those were the only choices, I might be tempted to agree with you, but without knowing the rigour of the wholesaler's buying process I wouldn't be confident that "new to us, doing a deal" is any different from "too cheap to be a bargain".
Oh by the way, there are 2 typos in your penultimate sentence! :eek:
A bigger problem than actual counterfeiting is 'copying', where low-cost products just happen to look almost identical to well-known brands, and sometimes even carry a very similar part number.
I imagine that's typical of what happens with almost all types of manufactured products. The safeguard is obviously meant to be compliance with regulations and Standards but the routine policing of that seems to be all but non-existant. As you say, the existance of 'compliance markings' cannot, in themselves, be taken to mean anything.

Kind Regards, John

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