Cholesterol and Roast potatoes

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I'm really at cross purposes as if to take or not.

I'm told once you start you need to do so then rest of your life.
If only there was some kind of trained and qualified health care professional you could consult. Better still if you lived in a country where that could be done without charge.
If only there was some kind of trained and qualified health care professional you could consult. Better still if you lived in a country where that could be done without charge.
That's right John. All I got was a phone call from a doctor while I was working.

Can you imagine if I called a doctor, with me telling her why her plumbing needs attention, and how I'm going to go about it!

I imagine she would say "can this wait" as I'm at work, and with a patient.
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We have been told for about 40 years that high fat content is what makes us fat
and eating too much sugar causes type 2 diabetes

both are pretty incorrect.
In Australia I was told 17 years ago that it's the carbs that where the main culprit.
O.K. can we get back on thread...

At my post 'retirement' 'MOT' (health check) review I was told my Cholesterol was high and would need to go onto Statins. We, the Doctor & I, discussed my general health, diet and drinking; I also said I didn't wish to start taking drugs on a daily basis so could I (try reduce) my Cholesterol level by diet. The Doctor agreed on a twelve month delay at the end of which my Cholesterol had dropped from high to borderline and now is in the 'safe' area.

Chatting to a Hematologist two things which go against low Cholesterol, are having bloods taken shortly after eating (so nothing to eat for 12, preferably 16 hours before the bloods are taken) and the time between the blood being taken and the testing (I now insist on a before 10AM taking as I know the local surgery has bloods collected at 10AM, then tested the same day).