Chris Tarrant @ Xmas



How many more `kin times do we have to listen to him bleating on about children dying this Xmas?
Every bloody radio and TV channel has this cretin going on about how they need our money.

Is it just me? Sort our country out first. Then when all and well assist others.

Season of goodwill or not, CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME!

I contribute to Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital myself, should be the NHS doing it but thats another story. Their doctors and nurses saved my sons life, thats all I care about.
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Seems everyone is telling us how bad conditions are in other countries. It's almost like they want us to feel it's all our fault.
I've counted 7 adverts this morning all for different charities asking for just £3 a month to save a dying child...

Alarm, you are spot on, all our £3's a month should go to sorting the problems in this country.

I contribute through Payroll giving to McMillan Cancer Nurses as they did great work for my Mum right up until she died in May this year.
They also saved my life when I was baby.

I would like to go round the hospital on Christmas morning with a Father Christmas handing out presents to all the children and I would give every member of staff and parent a blank cheque for £500.

Just waiting for the lottery win.

the more money we give them the more they breed so as i see it the less money they get the better off they will be
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A great deal of the well intended money donated to affrican countries ends up in the hands of despotic warlords anyway, so rather than feeding or educating a child, you are really just buying them a new AK47.
Nothing wrong with a old `47 either.
Always amusing watching one scumbag eliminate another.
Such a shame it costs us!
now if we gave every starving kid an ak47 and told him to go and hunt for his food ;)
If it was a major disaster such as the Asian Tsunami a few years ago then perhaps I might give a quid or two , but some of the crap they want money for these days are ridiculous and I wouldn't give them a groat. Starving kids , water aid , (again) RSPCA , I have also seen one for wobbly donkeys !.
I'm sure I read somewhere that we give more to animal charities than to children's charities in this country! People need to get there priorities right! Worry about the kids here, before animals and future terrorists!
Tarrant, the bleating fool that he is, has nothing on the army of chuggers that blight the country's town centres. ****ing parasites on a pigmy's arse.
I just wonder if these so-called celebs actualy donate their own money to the charities they endorse.
Of late there has been so any charities trying to sign you up on the high street, gets on my man boobs!! Have had to tell them in a polite way to fook off! :(
I just wonder if these so-called celebs actualy donate their own money to the charities they endorse.
U2 is still the richest pop group in the world, I also wonder how much Bono donate his own money to Africa, they are not giving enough away if there're still the richest! All I see they doing is lobbying the governments, public and the taxpayers
I just wonder if these so-called celebs actualy donate their own money to the charities they endorse.
U2 is still the richest pop group in the world, I also wonder how much Bono donate his own money to Africa, they are not giving enough away if there're still the richest! All I see they doing is lobbying the governments, public and the taxpayers
The sad irony is that these self righteous berks fail to understand is that every penny that they have can eventually be traced down the monetary pyramid to a starving kid in a third world country scrabbling in the dirt for something he can sell for food or medicine.
Poverty will always be with the world if people keep producing children at the present rate.

Prevention is always better than cure and birth control should be rolled out across the world.

You will never stop the powerful urge that is sex for humans (and animals) but you can prevent children being born into poverty.

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