Kindly point out where Christians are condemned for their beliefs, in the UK.
In recent years, there have been a few cases where Christians have either been sacked, or suspended for wearing crosses and other religious items whilst at work. (note that in this case, whilst the tribunal did not find in her favour, the ECHR did in fact rule in her favour)
Are you sure that your summation of the situation is correct? Or are you selectively quoting an example out of context?
Condemnation - express complete disapproval of; censure.
She wasn't condemned for her beliefs. The wearing of a cross
per se was not completely disapproved of, only the wearing of a
visible symbol at work.
She was sacked for wearing a
visible religious symbol that is not required by her religion, which was also in contravention to the uniform policy. Some religious symbols have a protected status, such as turbans, etc. The cross is not one of those.
If it had been a star and crescent symbol, a wheel of Dharma, an Om, etc (which do not have religious protected status) she would still have been sacked.
Later BA amended their policy to allow lapel badges of religious symbolism, however this was dismissed by the complainant. BA have now amended their uniform policy to allow loose interpretation of the lapel badge ruling.
Unfortunately, had she been wearing a wheel of Dharma, or similar, probably no-one would have realised that it is a symbol of religion.
Incidentally, she also refused a position within the company that meant that the uniform policy would not apply. So she wasn't exactly being cooperative either. There were other issues also with this particular employee, such as evangelising at work, refusing to work on religious holidays.
Other organisation argued that it is sensible policy not to wear jewellery in some instance, and as tradespeople, those instances are obvious.
Finally, the ECHR ruling was against the UK government for failing to provide domestic law to protect the claimed rights, not against BA.
She had rejected an out-of-court settlement for £8500, and was awarded £2000 by ECHR. (with £30,000 costs)
I think you were quoting an example out-of-context.