Climate: The Movie

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For those interested in 2 sides of the argument.....

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Some background here on Martin Durkin

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Yep. You could probably lump it in with that other RWR favourite 2000 Mules, lol.
Can see why you'd say that considering your lies and projection is something seeming out of your control.
Well way I see it

A lot of This climate change caper is an excuse to scam people bandied around and supported mostly by total hypocrits who actually do f all of any consequence :giggle:
It being a wet bank holiday, I had a look at the film. It is interesting. There are two parts to the film, the first discusses the data, and shows that there are likely natural variations underlying the acknowledged warming that are not adequately taken into account by those promoting an 'emergency'. That seems perfectly reasonable, and would fit with the recent WG1 part of AR6. The second part deals with the way that scientist who wish to research in areas that do not support 'the consensus' are systematically driven off the scene. Given the rather impressive credentials of the scientists featured in the film (including a Nobel Laureate) this needs to be taken seriously.

(A comment above references in opposition to the film a website called desmog. Wikipedia describes this as set up by a PR man funded by environmental activists. It more or less demonstrates the premise of the second part of the film that activism will not allow proper scientific debate. Certainly their feathers appear to have been ruffled).
It's designed to get suckers aroused.
So you know better than the acclaimed scientists in the film, including a Nobel Laureate? And we are talking about physicists here, not "climate scientists" with sociology degrees.

Can we have some links to your own published research papers on the subject?
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