Dodgy? I showed the checking SE that the shear force was within the capacity of the reduced web, so how can it be dodgy?That's well dodgy. It's not even painted FFS.
Tony, 1 or 2 queries on that weird looking beam end. :
what sort of safety factor was used in the calculations ?
Isn't steel painted to provide some corrosion resistance?
Why was bolting it down superfluous, wouldn't that help hold it in position ?
It was down to 15° because of a Velux, but the pic makes it look shallower.That is a cracker, I wouldn't have believed that was safe if you hadn't worked out the calculations on it. It must have been a very shallow pitched roof!
Do keep up with the painting posts.Dodgy? I showed the checking SE that the shear force was within the capacity of the reduced web, so how can it be dodgy?
Painting? ....Why bother?
the photo you show tony needs a supportin coursed-in masonry nib an a wall plate accordin to bco's ive dealt with - a single block wall wouldn't pass.
last BCO's argued with - one came on the next job an made us demolish an re-build some garden walls, a variation - said they were owners blamed us for it.
next one had us crackin out footings - claimed we'd extended the trenches since his first ground inspection.
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