Firstly, Congratulations for yet again having to call me a name.
In the summer we had new aluminium window put in, which have a thermal break, but as the weather had turned colder we get condensation on all the window frames apart from the one in the front room.
Do we need to contact the suppliers? Or do something to prevent the condensation?
Please help, thanks
At no point does OP say whether the thermal break is on the glass or frame, All I did was quote the OP. You do not know for sure that the glass is not condensating, I hear all the time that ' my frame has condensation on it ' , when we look it is the actual glass, so more information is required, and has been requested from the OP but never given, therefore none of us can give an accurate answer...even you .
You don't know the surface temperature of the window frames, with poor insulation or thermal breaks those metal frames could be extremely cold, therefore you don't know the required humidity to avoid condensation or if it is practical.
Ever seen condensation on metal cars in the morning 'HOW CAN THAT BE!' they are exposed to ventilation, ventilation stops condensation!
You also do not know the level of water vapour in the air, so once again we are at a stalemate , as neither of us can provide an answer without more information.
Yes I've seen condensation on Cars....Irrelevant , as I am saying that ventilation
helps alleviate water vapour , i am not saying it cures condensation.
As for not reading my long post. I really suggest you get a cup of tea/coffee or whatever you drink and read it. It is full of useful information, and once again it asks some questions that I would appreciate you humour me with an answer. I would have posted concisely, but it was a lot of info , including average water vapour levels, it really is worth a read, I learnt something from it, like to be fair, I have learnt something from this thread.