i am christian and i have given blood, does that answer your question.So what's the score with blood transfusions, any body know?
i am christian and i have given blood, does that answer your question.So what's the score with blood transfusions, any body know?
So, do I take it you are a follower of the prophet Henry?some of your questions are based from catholic church, the pedo priests,forbidding condoms,ect, i dont follow the pope,or the catholic church.or roman catholic church, i dont agree whith there false teachings,man made traditions.there silly hats and costumes, its all dead religion to me.
he did, he used isreal to destroy them, God gave them victory, supernaturaly, he used angels to help fight for isrealit had to be done
Why? What of forgiveness?
they were out to destroy isreal, they wanted to destroy the Jews. Jews were Gods chosen, God would not allow his people to mix whith others that practised evil, like sacrificing there daughters in fire to false Gods,and every other evil thing you can think of, God wanted a chosen people,holy to him, for a very important reason.
they would off destroyed israel
God could have stopped them.
he used isreal to destroy them
he used angels to help fight for isreal
he used isreal to destroy them
So what of free will?
hitler will GO to hell for it, and many others, but to answer why did God not come down and stop it,is not an easy answer,you need to understand scripture, i will try to answer best i can, but you will have to wait.he used angels to help fight for isreal
Why didn't he do this for the 6 million Jews in WW2?
hitler will GO to hell for it
So they exercised free will, and then get punished.
Not really a well thought out plan is it?
i dont think he did, i think he was more afraid of what the russians would of done to him, than thinking about repentence,he was insane, satan used to go into him,when he made speeches, he used to spew up after the speeches.hitler will GO to hell for it
What if he confessed his sins before he killed himself? He gets away Scot free then.
i dont think he did, i think he was more afraid of what the russians would of done to him, than thinking about repentence,he was insane, satan used to go into him,when he made speeches, he used to spew up after the speeches.
yes they exercised free will, it was about getting them to trust God,faith,ect, because sometimes they faced enormous armies, and God promised he would give them victory,but they had to trust him even tho they were in fear, and wanted to run. God had to punish,to discipline, otherwise they would of been destroyed, the armies who wanted to destroy israel in them days, were like isis, but most probably worse.
hitler will GO to hell for it
What if he confessed his sins before he killed himself? He gets away Scot free then.