Corbyn criticised by his own mps about Russia

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Corbyn was hardly on his own, some 140 mps voted against the iraq war.

In any case the 2 things are not comparable.

If the conservatives have received money from Russian donors, are you saying the donations did not comply with electoral commission rules?

The robust stance shows donations have not influenced policy.

Indeed Corbyn seems largely on his own in not giving full support. He has ben roundly condemned by large numbers of the labour party.
Corbyn has been on the right side of history for most of his political career....FACT
The Tories HAVE taken money from Russian donors...FACT,
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yes they did take money ? not that I care tbh

back stabbers ?? politics is full of it ? care about what ? that some political part took some money from some Russians ? who cares ? so what ?
so you dont mind foreign countries donating money to certain political parties? do you not realise where that leads? you dont seem too clued up on politics do you?
Corbyn has been on the right side of history for most of his political career....FACT
The Tories HAVE taken money from Russian donors...FACT,

corbyn has never had to make a relevant decision in his political life ? he has never held high office ? he has always voted against his own party ? then expects loyalty from his own party because he is now the leader ?

bloke should go to Moscow and lick putins boots for him :LOL:
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so you dont mind foreign countries donating money to certain political parties? do you not realise where that leads? you dont seem too clued up on politics do you?

It is u who is not clued up . You seem to think that politics is blk and white ? and right or wrong ? and that u occupy the moral high ground ?

all very noble :) but eventually reality will kick in < as it will with Corbyn if he ever gets power :LOL:

best u take a stand in your own life and change it so as to suit the moral high ground u seem to think u occupy ?
It is u who is not clued up . You seem to think that politics is blk and white ? and right or wrong ? and that u occupy the moral high ground ?

all very noble :) but eventually reality will kick in < as it will with Corbyn if he ever gets power :LOL:
nope, you are the one thats not clued up, you said you didnt care if it was an illegal war or not, you probably would if it was your kid that went over there and got killed fighting for an illegal war...
you also said you didnt care about foreign powers influencing our sir are an idiot
So MPs, in general, are irrelevant?

corbyn is and always has been, he has never shown loyalty to the party he represents, but he now expects it from those in the party he has dumped on for over 30 years
nope, you are the one thats not clued up, you said you didnt care if it was an illegal war or not, you probably would if it was your kid that went over there and got killed fighting for an illegal war...
you also said you didnt care about foreign powers influencing our sir are an idiot

your the idiot because I never said that and u have quoted it out of context ?

As per usual the leftys resort to personal abuse :LOL: nothing new there then :LOL:

snow flake :LOL:
corbyn is and always has been, he has never shown loyalty to the party he represents, but he now expects it from those in the party he has dumped on for over 30 years
no he doesnt, he has said many times "we are a broad Church" he has given Blairites a position in the cabinet even thought they attack him....
no he doesnt, he has said many times "we are a broad Church" he has given Blairites a position in the cabinet even thought they attack him....

he had no choice ;) perhaps they learnt lessons on back stabbing from Corbyn
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