Corbyn criticised by his own mps about Russia

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what have i taken out of context?? please explain

that some how I would not care if my kid got killed ? I would have thought it would be a tragedy in any war ? or perhaps only in a war that some say was illegal ?? get real ?

and no I do not care who gives money to political partys providing its legal and made public < if some one finds it obnoxious ? then do not vote for them ?
who cares ?
The miners union took money from the Russians ? so what ?

yes they did take money ? not that I care tbh
back stabbers ?? politics is full of it ? care about what ? that some political part took some money from some Russians ? who cares ? so what ?

you know ? personally I could not care less if the war was illegal or not ? it happened so move on ?

I never said that and u have quoted it out of context ?
You should take up hopping.....from one foot to the other.
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nope, you are the one thats not clued up, you said you didnt care if it was an illegal war or not, you probably would if it was your kid that went over there and got killed fighting for an illegal war...
you also said you didnt care about foreign powers influencing our sir are an idiot

your the idiot because I never said that and u have quoted it out of context ?

As per usual the leftys resort to personal abuse :LOL: nothing new there then :LOL:

snow flake :LOL:

what have i taken out of context?? please explain

that some how I would not care if my kid got killed ? I would have thought it would be a tragedy in any war ? or perhaps only in a war that some say was illegal ?? get real ?

and no I do not care who gives money to political partys providing its legal and made public < if some one finds it obnoxious ? then do not vote for them ?
A**e end, if you slow down and think a bit, you will see that banjodeano said " you probably would care...."!
He did not say that you do not care if your child was killed.

Slow down, take a pill if that is what you do. :rolleyes:
A**e end, if you slow down and think a bit, you will see that banjodeano said " you probably would care...."!
He did not say that you do not care if your child was killed.

Slow down, take a pill if that is what you do. :rolleyes:

I have taken a pill .

In any event I am not talking to u way r bee .

Care :LOL: like u all do :LOL: jeez us wept
so you dont mind foreign countries donating money to certain political parties? do you not realise where that leads? you dont seem too clued up on politics do you?

I dont think foreign countries or individuals can donate money
I get the impression that I am trying to have a sensible conversation with an inebriated idiot.

well if an idiot is your definition of a ****** , then u could well be correct ?

and in any event I do not want a conversation with you , sensible or other wise :LOL:

my purpose is fair play ? stick up for those u abuse & have attempted to intimidate, bully and tell porkie pies about ;)
and in any event I do not want a conversation with you , sensible or other wise
I would suggest that you are incapable, especially in your current state.

my purpose is fair play ? stick up for those u abuse & have attempted to intimidate, bully and tell porkie pies about ;)
You mean like accusing them of domestic abuse?
If I recall correctly, that was your allegation against me.
I would suggest that you are incapable, especially in your current state.

You mean like accusing them of domestic abuse?
If I recall correctly, that was your allegation against me.

was it ? that is what u recalled ? perhaps u should have done a "Snap Smile" way r bee ;) hmmm :)

suggest all u like ;) as to my current state ? well what would that be then ? :?:
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