I read some research once that disproved the need for such things as moisturiser, anti-wrinkle cream, etc.
An experiment was done over a period of time where the participants were split into groups - those who used the products and those who didn't. Those who didn't were asked to 'mimic' the actions of applying the products - i.e. make circular motions with their fingers to the areas of their face where they would be applying the product.
The outcome showed absolutely no difference between either group, and the researchers claimed that it was the motion with the fingers that was actually beneficial for the skin, and not any fancy product. They suggested that this circular motion released the natural oils and chemicals in the skin to do it good. In fact, the claim that it was more beneficial not to use products as a person's own, natural products would not cause any allergic reactions, plus if you are substituting natural with synthetic, your body would come to rely on the synthetic - i.e. requiring more (these big cosmetic companies have got it sussed
Very interesting. Of course, other issues have to be taken into consideration - diet, pollution levels, hygiene, etc, etc
I am not against people using such products, but I really think it is sad that our culture is obsessed by how someone looks on the outside. People in effect have to wear 'masks' to conceal their real identity, in fear of being ousted from society - something is far wrong here
Cosmetic surgery is now commonplace. I suppose the next step will be genetically modified babies, to make sure they are born with the right hair colour, eyes, etc
Personally, I don't want to live in a world of clones, where people are going to loose their identity and individuality. Surely these things are what set us apart from other species - our abilities to think and analyse - something seems to have gone very wrong in this process - Brave New World (Aldous Huxley) here we come