Could Russia hang on a bit till we get the right diversity to fight them

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I read this tonight.

Great this is what we need strong woman like this standing her ground that the RAF will miss.
They seem to forget that maybe 40% of women don't want to be in the air force...

Or that statistically there isn't 20% of minority groups available within the uk, seeing as there is only 14.5% of the population that is ethnic minority based.

Just hire people based on the needs of the business and the skills of the people that interview regardless of gender, or minority group.
It takes 7 years to train a pilot to the front line at the moment; and THIS is what's in the news. It's a disgrace, frankly.
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If you want a more representative workforce, pay the groups you want to attract, a bit more when they start.

Keep the same selection procedure though, so no compromise to standards.
If you want a more representative workforce, pay the groups you want to attract, a bit more when they start.

Keep the same selection procedure though, so no compromise to standards.
Why should a black man or woman or non binary, gay, lesbian, queer, him, her...

Get paid more than me for the same job done to the same standard?

(Like wise I don't agree with it the other way either men shouldn't get paid more than women etc)

To recruit more they need to make it more appealing for that type of group. Which is a hard slog, especially for minority groups who genuinely wouldn't risk there lives for queen and country as they do not believe in Britain, they're all concerned with the bad stuff we done 300 +years ago,

The British army also doesn't have a great record in the way they treat minority groups (Gurkhas for example)
To recruit more they need to make it more appealing for that type of group. Which is a hard slog, especially for minority groups who genuinely wouldn't risk there lives for queen and country as they do not believe in Britain, they're all concerned with the bad stuff we done 300 +years ago,
Let's ignore the contribution from the Commonwealth during the two world wars, eh? Especially if and when it suits.

Or perhaps those countries are now better educated and see the "mother country" for what it really is and was.
They seem to forget that maybe 40% of women don't want to be in the air force...
That's the factor that seems to be ignored in all areas and also relates to ethnic aspects - or can at times.

The whole diversity area started with ethnic aspects. It is a fact that racial origins can limit scope in the field of getting a job. Pure and simple racism. My view based on time at work in a job is that it''s fading but can still be about.

Women. Say we are split 50% male 50% female. Does that mean that this split should be seen in all job areas? Army - a typical backpack weight is 20 to 25kg. Is that a problem for women - I've no idea. CEO's of large companies. I have heard that being a chartered accountant helps. What % of women are? Fact of life increasing over time qualifications even at the ex school point are needed to get a job. The level needed depends on the job but more and more of them need something or the other. That is some what different to the post WWII period where people did have a chance of working their way up even if they left school with nothing in that line at all. Larger companiies would offer their own training where it was needed -if the person proved suitable. Some people would be happy with the job they had. Some didn't have the ability to progress.
Has it been discovered that the forces are biased against employing women and/or people from ethnic minorities? If yes then that should of course be addressed. If it's the case that less women and ethnic minorities apply to join the forces for undefined reasons then fine, encourage those groups to apply during recruitment drives etc.

However, when it comes to the forces, I'm not convinced setting targets is the correct approach.

I'll say something else that I'll no doubt get shouted down for. When you watch these fly on the wall police tv shows, you'll notice they now employ men and women that are quite short in stature. Ok, this was maybe done due to less people in general applying to join, I don't know the reasons behind reducing the height requirement.

However, there's short and then there's short. Result? When something kicks off, they often need to wait for taller more athletic officers to arrive. Then you see the ones that are overweight (sometimes obviously so) and they can't run for toffee. But hey, let's just laugh all these things off. It's more important to tick various diversity boxes than ensure we have forces that are genuinely fit for purpose.
Let's ignore the contribution from the Commonwealth during the two world wars, eh? Especially if and when it suits.

Or perhaps those countries are now better educated and see the "mother country" for what it really is and was.

You was going so well .... I was about to give you a thumbs up.

Then you went on and on and on......a bit
Has it been discovered that the forces are biased against employing women and/or people from ethnic minorities? If yes then that should of course be addressed. If it's the case that less women and ethnic minorities apply to join the forces for undefined reasons then fine, encourage those groups to apply during recruitment drives etc.
Do you not read the news?

'It wasn't just Army banter - it was racism'​

The stark reality of life for women in the armed forces​

Do you not read the news?

Ha Ha HAaaa ... you really must try harder ;)

Let me remind you, I said this:

Has it been discovered that the forces are biased against employing women and/or people from ethnic minorities?

And you've posted links about people already employed by the forces that, yes, have what may indeed be valid concerns about how they're treated.

However, they're already employed, so that indicates there might not be bias against employing them in the first place.

Must try harder ;)

Yeah, just let me get my lippy on first guys
How many pilots are we sending to fight Russia?
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