I can deduce that you're bullsh*tting, and I can grasp that there are plenty of historical precedents for you doing so.
Then you've deduced wrong..
gera þú tala íslenska, vitlaus..?
If you do, then you'll be able to 'deduce' what you are acting like!
You have a motive, which is to appear more knowledgeable, and to appear to have had a tip-off, and to appear to have important friends. It's pathetic....
If I know/knew someone in a privileged position, i.e. one of power or knowledge, the last thing I'd do would be to parade it on this forum. If your interpretation of that is that I know nothing, or don't understand, then so be it.
Au contraire softy...if you knew anything at all about Iceland (which I deduce you don't), you'd know that 'important friends' are known by everyone there in some form or another due to the size and informality of the population. Unlike the UK, people don't think of themselves as 'important', (apart from a few politicians and a few 'ex' very rich people!) Some people just happen to work in places where they glean information that others can't. 'who you know' is never truer than over there, and information on how to do things/get things done is kind of 'traded' much more than here. And yes in this aspect I do have more knowledge than you, but I do admit that it's not very difficult is it...
But if you insist..."So be it!"
My 'tip off' as you call it was just a warning that the level of debt was unsustainable, and money could be at risk ...simple as (although whether it's simple enough for you is another matter..).
That was a well known fact by many over there, but they were mainly standing there with fingers in their ears going la-la-la...
It wasn't an "in 'x' amount of time it's all going to go belly up, and Iceland is going to screw foreigners' type of warning...
Suppose then if I had said that at the time, I'm sure most would point to the high credit rating Iceland had, and call that bullsh*tting! I moved the money, and thought nothing else of it until this crisis blew up!
If I was appearing to be 'more knowledgeable', it was because I had something to add on this one - I've got no clue about which account is now safest, whilst I'm sure someone will be 'more knowledgeable' about that...
Just because you seem to think you are the arbiter of all facts, doesn't mean anyone else feels that way too...
(I could go on about how they have a mortgage level about half the bank basis rate, which makes any direct comparisons in those areas moot, or the 7 levels of savings accounts 'risk' which also gives an indication - but then I don't want to appear too knowledgeable do I....
And if you'd read my post, which is probably now years ago, posing the question of where all the money was coming from - the money that was appearing on the value of properties, and in the form of personal debt in the UK - then you'd have known THEN that I knew THEN that we were living in a bubble. I don't need to work in the Treasury to know that.
Indeed you don't, but in the particular case of Iceland it was much more than that which has caused their (and hence our) problem - the entire country was playing a huge game of 'short selling' effectively..
But tell me..you can deduce from your reasoning that the money was coming from fragile sources, but can't appreciate it when someone acts on similar information?