Covid Death Stats: Looking Like Us Doubters May Be Right

The numbers are not accurate and have been exaggerated for effect to frighten the people


I know they are learning all the time but that then does mean that previously they were wrong.

Well yes, wrong or mistaken, call it what you like. That is a long way from misleading people which is the common implication.

But the point is the UK is one of the worst and you think the measures taken have worked.

I think they have demonstrably worked. Cases rise, lockdown happens, cases go back down. You seem to think that is just coincidence.

Well, there have been no cases. Which word would you choose?

Certainly not "disappeared" which implies to me ceasing to exist or becoming extinct. Surely you don't believe that?
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Because at the 'beginning' not enough were 'obeying' the instructions.

Well yes, wrong or mistaken, call it what you like. That is a long way from misleading people which is the common implication.
Fair enough. Same result though.

I think they have demonstrably worked. Cases rise, lockdown happens, cases go back down. You seem to think that is just coincidence.
As I said, it can't be proved either way. The tiers didn't work, did they?

Certainly not "disappeared" which implies to me ceasing to exist or becoming extinct. Surely you don't believe that?
Disappeared or 'not appeared' this year, then, if you prefer.
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en exaggerated for effect to frighten the people - SAGE instructions.
That's a Daily Mail interpretation.

Surely you must understand that people don't listen to advice, so govt has exaggerated to try and ensure people comply with the rules.

Do you not remember the crowded beaches last year?
Ad hominem.

You don't want a serious debate about non pharmaceutical interventions, you just want to make simplistic slogans.
Your argument that "lockdowns don't work" is on a par with "get Brexit done"
Well, I can't dispute the formulae, can I?

I just don't think the lockdowns have been lockdowns, and my point remains that without them, do you think the cases and deaths would have been 4 or 5 times more?
As I said, it can't be proved either way. The tiers didn't work, did they?

You mean there is not absolute proof.

You are trying to use the argument there is no absolute proof because of a lack of large scale studies complete with control groups.....but in a live pandemic, you are never going to get that

However the bulk of scientists agree with the available data...i.e. That NPIs do work.
Well, they are rather complicated.

But they worked it out using their formulae didn't they?

Have other methods of calculating or projecting numbers been wrong? Ferguson, Whitty?

Of course, you both seem to be forgetting that the reason for (the first) lockdown was to 'flatten the curve', i.e. to delay, not eradicate or prevent, the total number of cases so that the NHS could cope.
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