COVID vaccines and heart attack risk revealed

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In the real world the unvaccinated 'control' groups have experienced far higher rates of death through not just COVID, but also heart attacks. And higher rates of long COVID.
There is another factor as well. Less likely to end up in hospital and a better experience if you do.

COVID hasn't gone away. BA.2.286 started showing up last August. That is now the one people can expect to catch. Which one next?
Excess deaths are currently below the 5 year average in the UK, according to latest statistics.

Where are you seeing excess deaths?
they changed the way these are Feb this they have revised the values (upward) of what they when these "expected" numbers are not met, they say the figure is lower.
But you could have looked that up for yourself..
Edward Jenner was regarded by the medical establishment as a fraud.....
He was not a doctor but he did receive huge sums of Gov funding and was eventually awarded his medical doctor title...without attending medical school....
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worth adding that his sudo science claims coincided with the creation of public sewers and drinking water improvements...but these were just coincidental timings :)
so they have revised the values (upward) of what they when these "expected" numbers are not met, they say the figure is lower.
Some years are up, some are down, but you could have looked that up yourself.

What do you think is actually wrong with the new methodology?
Edward Jenner was regarded by the medical establishment as a fraud.....
And by the antivaxxers of the time. This is some of what the tinfoil hatters said of the vaccine, do you see the similarities?


A few posts have been removed, when someone logged in!

The thread title. As of Jan 23 there had been a total of 25,000,000 confirmed cases of covid. There are likely to be even more unconfirmed cases. Me for instance - I don't figure in the 25m.

So just how does some one separate the effects of that from the effects of the jab?

Deaths from jabs. Use of one make of jab was stopped on one age group. Nothing certain about the data that resulted in that. People in that age group had some instances of having the same problem before covid. It's a variable so not clear if changes were really down to the jab. Some others die following a jab - how do you separate out any changes in the rate of reason for their death. It's not clear cut science so take a liberal view just in case.
There were control groups in all the studies.
That is a lie!

But of course you can provide proof of adequate numbers of control groups involving all ethnicity groups, age groups, pregnant women, vulnerable illness groups etc etc?

And over what period did your claimed 'studies' take place, given that repeated/different jabs were rolled out within months of each other?

What long term studies were undertaken?

Your 'claim' is simply a 'comfort blanket' you can cling to if you want to...

Those with a bit more intelligence aren't so easily fooled ;)
Great. Don't have it then? You are utterly obsessed that few share the antivaxxers view.
You still don't get it that your erroneous 'anti vaxxer' label is based on your own stupidity, and that your own insecurity regarding your 'do what you are told' approach rather than think for yourself is basically wrong...

But hey, that is what jab junkies do ;)
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