
15 Apr 2005
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United Kingdom
Driving home in the rain the other evening, moderate to heavy traffic, free flowing.

I overtook a cyclist. It was a dual carriageway with a few sets of traffic lights.

Red light. Cyclist went to front of queue. Overtook him again. Another red light. Overtook him again. Getting annoyed now. Each time I overtake him I have to veer into the right lane. Then came to a motorway junction, a free-flowing roundabout, he passed me again, and I had to wait for him to pass the entry to the sliproad before I could enter it.

Are there any rules that forbid this kind of behaviour? I was tempted to stop at one red light, in the gutter, so he couldnt do it again. :evil:

At the end of the day, he aint gonna get there any quicker, and we all travel faster than him. God knows why he was on his bike anyway, it was throwing it down.
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Amazing how some car drivers think that because they're not getting anywhere very fast, no-one else has the right to do so...

Some also think it's funny to race past and then turn left suddenly..

I was tempted to stop at one red light, in the gutter, so he couldnt do it again.
And hopefully he'd have passed you on the other side and called you a c*nt... ;)
OK perhaps i was wrong lol, but you'd think cyclists would try to avoid being overtaken unnessecarily, given that some car drivers do it perilously close (not me, nor am i the dick who speeds past a cyclist and then turns left, in fact one time last week i had to stay behind until the cyclist passed my left turn)

And yes, I would happily cycle to work if I worked within 5 miles.

I also dont get those bus/bike lanes. They put the biggest vehicle on the road, with the smallest vehicle on the road, in the same lane. :eek:
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Steve said:
At the end of the day, he aint gonna get there any quicker, and we all travel faster than him.

If you put all the cyclists on the road in cars instead, as you imply here:

God knows why he was on his bike anyway, it was throwing it down.

those queues at the lights will be even longer - then you certainly 'ain't gonna get there any quicker'! :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

PS: I ride a bike myself and I'm appalled by the behaviour of some cyclists who don't even bother to look back before changing lanes, without signalling of course, then go through a red light as if it didn't apply to them. Those morons get us all tarred with the same brush. :evil: :evil: :evil:

PPS: Signals are wasted on some drivers.

Episode one: I looked back, saw a car at a safe distance, made a clear right turn signal and started to move over. Next thing I know there's a screech of tyres behind me. When I stopped at the junction to wait for a gap he slagged me off for not sticking my hand out. :eek: :eek: :eek: Odds on he was on the phone at the time ---

Episode two: I'm coming down a hill at a fair lick, going straight over a junction. A car coming the other way and signalling right stops - as you do - to wait his turn. The car behind HIM screeches to a halt and screams "YOU BL**DY IDIOT" at me as I pass. You couln't make it up if you tried! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Why are cyclists allowed on public roads when they don't pay road tax, they also have no insurance, licence or any form of mot.

If a cyclist causes an accident who pays the compensation.
Why are cyclists allowed on public roads when they don't pay road tax, they also have no insurance, licence or any form of mot.

If a cyclist causes an accident who pays the compensation.

same as horses, if they hit you , you pay
or they refuse to give their name and address, and pedal off.
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