
Joe-90 said

There is an ad on the radio every morning when I go out which says that 200 electricians, plumbers and builders are killed every week on their way to a job. Don't race to a 'deadline'

Joe, you are obviously not concentrating in the morning listening to the radio, and this must in turn reflect on your driving.
The total road deaths in this country in 2005 was around 3200, 2006 will probably be around the same.
According to your radio over 10000 are killed in a year and thats just plumbers electricians and builders.
You should pay more attention :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

too joey an his lil trollfest on Securespark ......................................

SS dismissed lil joey as a wind up merchant ........as many have done here, me included !

joey even changed his tack, after being * shown his posts are rubbish/windups *

*dont feed the troll* ...lol...lol.......lol
anobium said:
Joe-90 said

There is an ad on the radio every morning when I go out which says that 200 electricians, plumbers and builders are killed every week on their way to a job. Don't race to a 'deadline'

Joe, you are obviously not concentrating in the morning listening to the radio, and this must in turn reflect on your driving.
The total road deaths in this country in 2005 was around 3200, 2006 will probably be around the same.
According to your radio over 10000 are killed in a year and thats just plumbers electricians and builders.
You should pay more attention :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

Well I'll get a new radio then.
To explain:

I passed my test in 1985. I was taught to always match my gear to the speed of the car. When slowing down I was told, you must change down so that if things pick up, you're in the correct gear to go again.

Now, I am being taught that if I am approaching a traffic queue, I must leave the gear lever alone & come to a halt using brakes alone.

This seems in contravention to the stuff Pip has posted though.

My Advanced Driving Instructor does not turn his nose up at skipping gears, though. As long as it is the correct one, he's not bothered!
ricicle said:
Are the insurance premiums still reduced if you pass your Advanced Driving Test?
I expect so, as most still have a section for type of license where you can select advanced. To be honest, thats something i wouldnt mind doing, might look into it, the thought had never x'd my mind.

Joe, I think the advert you're referring to was the one where people are saying "today theres no bread in the bakers" "today theres no milk in the fridge" "today theres no papers in the newsagents" "and all because hundreds are killed while at work on the roads each year". Thats the only one ive heard.
oi ricicle, im 21 i'll have you know! I've been driving 3 years! Born 01/11/85 in donny royal infirmary about 3am.
securespark said:
Now, I am being taught that if I am approaching a traffic queue, I must leave the gear lever alone & come to a halt using brakes alone.
But that's just one scenario of a great many possible ones, and in that situation I can see the reasoning in that advice.

However, anytime that you're not planning to come to rest, it's madness to strive to do anything other than being in the right gear ratio at all times.
Crafty said:
oi ricicle, im 21 i'll have you know! I've been driving 3 years! Born 01/11/85 in donny royal infirmary about 3am.

We know your date and place of birth, occupation (and employer). Just need your mothers maiden name and we can clone your identity....
BoxBasher said:
Crafty said:
oi ricicle, im 21 i'll have you know! I've been driving 3 years! Born 01/11/85 in donny royal infirmary about 3am.

We know your date and place of birth, occupation (and employer). Just need your mothers maiden name and we can clone your identity....
My employer? Go on then . . . Not once have a revealed the name of the company that employs me on this forum.
Moz said:
try it a get scanned buy my ex employer HM ......

Hold the **** on here...either I am a drug crazed looncase or did this ****ing guy bury his Lady about two weeks ago & move abroad??
WHat a ........Sham...!!

Bamber gaspipe

enrole here after the speed /drugs you took .. lol,...

Myself .....

saw it ...Abroad .........

but not here... ;)
Moz said:
*always choose the one who wears 'em in her handbag*


you would of loved my old sink estate in the 80s , :) :)

ahem , a few girls excluded .... my late wife Maria an Wens .....
they were seen as Very *Good* Girls then ... ;)

but monday nights in my terraced front bedroom ,for us 3 was record/lp night (mostly new manc bands music , Joy Division , Smiths , slaughter an the dogs ,)
an Then It was a different story ........;)

(best times of my whole life !)

Ah, I am a generation or so before that, Duane Eddy then the Beatles etc... My mini flirtation was mid 60's to 70'ish followed by 7 yrs of Brit sports cars .. lots of mates with similar motors. For me, motoring was not a solitary passtime. Poof! All done and dusted, out of the system to a great extent by the 80's. Nesting time !! Wouldn't have missed it all for the world... Yep, times of our lives. Funny thing, back then we were all buddys from sinks to mansion (1)... 60's hey daze ... Mostly remained friends for life.