
If people flash you they do it for a reason. Either you are queue jumping or you are cutting back in lane in the space they have left for safety purposes. If you are in a hurry - then leave home earlier.

There is an ad on the radio every morning when I go out which says that 200 electricians, plumbers and builders are killed every week on their way to a job. Don't race to a 'deadline'.

It's an ad for people like you that think are driving well when in fact they are putting everyone's lives at risk.

Didn't you recently get a hefty fine in court?
Yes, I will agree with that, but we are disagreeing on the reason why.

As I said in my earlier post, some people don't like being overtaken (even if done in a safe manner), especially by a commercial vehicle. It's very often got nothing to do with how the manoevre is executed, but they are just unhappy that they have been overtaken.

You didn't answer my question: If you want to judge people's driving, how would you classify those drivers who seek to prevent me (or others for that matter) from overtaking by speeding up?

I did not receive a fine, in court or otherwise.

OOI, how do you feel when you have been overtaken by someone?
I'm quite happy to be overtaken. I'd rather the prat get out in front of me rather than sitting inches away from my back bumper.

Let's just say that all the people that flash you are losing the plot or are jealous that you drive a transit. :rolleyes:
Hang on! This is a U turn of Political proportion!

So they no longer believe me to be an unsafe driver??

I don't sit inches from the bumper - for one thing, you can't see properly!

As I said before, I don't believe I am a bad driver, but I do believe that all drivers (me included) can benefit from further training - just as I do in the electrical trade. I've been in it nigh on 20 years, but I am still learning new things every week. I know people who have been in it twice as long as me & are still learning!!

Same with driving.

I am taking Advanced Driving lessons & mock tests, trying to change my driving style (from changing down in gears when approaching queues, to the more modern syle of not touching the gear lever until you come to a stop, for example.)
For another example of bad driving.

Just been on the motorway in fairly heavy but well flowing traffic. Some pratt in a red nissan pootling along at not much more than 50mph. Lorry signals, moves out, overtakes, signals and pulls back in. Pratt in nissan takes offence to this - speeds up and pulls out in front of another car (no signal) causing it to brake, pulls past the lorry and then signals and cuts back in before slowing back down (obviously likes being at the front of the queue).
joe-90 said:
Didn't you recently get a hefty fine in court?
You're probably thinking of Big_Spark. He wasn't a liar at all.
securespark said:
I am taking Advanced Driving lessons & mock tests, trying to change my driving style (from changing down in gears when approaching queues, to the more modern syle of not touching the gear lever until you come to a stop, for example.)
Do explain! I thought it was good to change down gears (less wear on brakes), though it can be uncomfortable for passengers.
brakes are cheap to replace when they get worn ;)
Crafty said:
securespark said:
I am taking Advanced Driving lessons & mock tests, trying to change my driving style (from changing down in gears when approaching queues, to the more modern syle of not touching the gear lever until you come to a stop, for example.)
Do explain! I thought it was good to change down gears (less wear on brakes), though it can be uncomfortable for passengers.
Me too, my next door neighbour driving instructor told me that the gear are for going and brake for stopping! It's a difference way now
You being flannelled n'all maso?

Not the view of the DSA... Eco-Safe Driving - Driving Standards Agency

Over the last year or so Driving Standards Agency has invested a great deal of time and effort in developing the principles of 'Eco-safe driving'. During the process we looked at the following areas, and these have now been included in the revised style of driving:-
Enhanced hazard perception and awareness skills
Selective use of gears
Progressive use of accelerator
Compliance with speed limits
Utilisation of engine braking/torque
Use of cruise control
To enable this work to progress we installed a sophisticated fuel monitoring device in several vehicles which allowed us to monitor and compare fuel used when a variety of driving styles were used by different drivers. ...
...We have conducted a number of trials of this revised style using drivers of different levels of experience, ranging from novices to experts. Across that range we have demonstrated that savings can be achieved between 5% and 17%, (averaging 8.5%) in fuel used, and as a consequence a reduction in the volume of atmosphere polluting chemicals produced. As a general rule of thumb it is fair to say that the less experienced drivers are able to demonstrate greater savings...

6. Engine braking - With your foot fully off the accelerator the engine need very little fuel - so take advantage of engine braking when possible...
Gets some oil around the top piston rings too.

Or are we reading too much into this next practice we surely have all used it :-
5. Selecting gears - It's not always necessary to change up or down through each gear, try skipping gears. As soon as conditions allow, use the highest possible gear, without making the engine struggle...


There's a hint of Europe in the air, Candyland in each and every rule...

:D :D :D
I was driving today *,its been awhile.........;)
the beamer is too powerful for me ,an its a nightmare to try an get into 4th gear as the roads around Manc are so chock a block nowadays ...

maybe I should get a lil 1.1, anyone recommend a Good new lil runabout,heard toyota are excellent ?

*yes , I was sober ..lol..lol :) :)
Next thing to a motor bike .... Sheer fun!

Went like manure !

Not my particular car but very similar... The lanes of Somersetshire have never been the same since..

:D :D
thats nowt ..lol :)

my 1st *GOOD* motor was an Escort RS 2000 , .......


cost me nearly a grand *back then* on my old fellas insurance ...:)

well worth it as some macho TV Carshow Presenter would say on it as a classic ...

"It snaps knicker elastic at 500yds ,girly heads will swoon as You ride into town on this charger ,an it takes off when you really need to *cough* overtake !"

Downside was living in Salford , couldnt leave it parked on the street obv....lol

loved that car in my mad impeturous (sp?) Youth ..lol
I didn't need a car to snap knicker elastic old son, you know the story, always choose the one who wears 'em in her handbag... saves time and dosh. :cool:
*always choose the one who wears 'em in her handbag*


you would of loved my old sink estate in the 80s , :) :)

ahem , a few girls excluded .... my late wife Maria an Wens .....
they were seen as Very *Good* Girls then ... ;)

but monday nights in my terraced front bedroom ,for us 3 was record/lp night (mostly new manc bands music , Joy Division , Smiths , slaughter an the dogs ,)
an Then It was a different story ........;)

(best times of my whole life !)