D-Link router

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What happens when you use Internet explorer? Will it access the Internet correctly.

If it won't,

Click Start and Run and type winipcfg and press Enter. Post back ip address, subnet mask and default gateway info. This will tell us if the NIC is configured to the same network as the router.

Have you tried setting up a new location manually? This is often the best way.

If you can access the Internet (via IE), one of us could probably set up the AOL bit remotely if you get totally stuck.
chr15 said:
I have been told you dont need to sign on to aol to access the internet but why would I not want to when I have e-mails and favourites stored and I know the format,and I also pay them for provoiding my service so natrually I want to use it.
I didn't say that you shouldn't, or that shouldn't want to, but the AOL client just complicates the issue and gets in the way, so I suggest that you stay signed out in order to test the whole connectivity and get things working.
You do not really need to use AOL browser to look at the internet, you can use internet explorer. (Once it is fixed you can use AOL browser to access the internet, emails etc.)
Does internet explorer work at present? If it does it proves your router is connected and says the problem lies with the AOL browser software. I think Softus just said this too lol.
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Ok-it wont connect via internet explorer-it just says "no page to display", so I have the settings you asked about-here goes,
adapter address-
ip address-
subnet mask-
default gateway-blank
Does this help?
It does help, but I don't understand how you configured the ADSL connection in the router - were you using the USB interface before?
well the instuctions you get with the router guide you through configuring the router by using the web browser to access the built in web server pages-it gives a http address and that takes you to installation info and i've done everything it says to do but am now stuck-you'll have to excuse my lack of knowledge in this area-not as clued up as some of you guys.
Jeepers you're making it hard to help you.

If you used the Ethernet interface to connect to the router and configure it, then I don't understand why the PC has no IP address anymore.

If you used the USB interface, then I don't understand why you didn't just say "Yes", or "I used the USB interface". :confused:
i used the ethernet adaptor to connect-i'm glad theres something YOU dont understand-join the club :rolleyes:
Yeah, but I don't have all the information that you have. :rolleyes:

Back to basics then:

You said:
I configured it online by going on internet explorer with the ip address it gives in the instructions for the router and on this it says the router is connected and enabled so I cant understand why I cant get it to fully connect.
So, given that the PC had an IP address at that point, please list the changes in harware or software configuration that you've made since then.

If you can't do that, then right-click on the Ethernet connection, select TCP/IP, then click on properties, and paste a screenshot here of the window that opens.
chr15 said:
I have an ethernet card fitted and that is also ok according to settings in control panel.
Oh yes? What settings have you examined, and how can they possibly be deemed to OK when the PC doesn't have an IP address?

I have been told you dont need to sign on to aol to access the internet but why would I not want to
FFS - because you don't yet have an Internet connection and we're trying to help you without the complication of the bloated and irritating AOL client in the way.

...I have e-mails and favourites stored and I know the format,and I also pay them for provoiding my service so natrually I want to use it.
But you can't use it until the Internet connection is working, so it's pointless running the client application!

I say again: :!:
Can you check that Winipcfg is looking at the correct device. When you run Winipcfg, there will be a drop down window. Make sure your ethernet adaptor is selected and not another ppp device, such as a modem. This could be why it is not reporting correctly.
I can see your getting irritated as usual-WTF is your problem anyway? Just cos you got an axe to grind with aol,I dont love em either but so what? Cant you get it thru your head that if someones asking for help on a help forum then they may know a little less than you? And I can use aol-how do you think i'm managing to ask for help on here-i'm using my voyager moden FFS and before you say anything you didnt ask! I think i'll be better off going to look elsewhere for help instead of somewhere like this where people like you who have swallowed the book wait for some unsuspecting person who dares to ask for some advice on a subject he knows less than you about. I'm sure if you trawl for long enough you will find another victim with whom you can flex your intellectual muscle and show just how clever you are.
chr15 said:
I can see your getting irritated as usual-WTF is your problem anyway?
You - you are the problem, and it's only you that I'm getting irritated with. For example:

You originally said:
Hi everyone-I've been trying to connect a D-Link router...
But now you say that you're connecting using the Voyager modem? I've given you information, I've asked you questions (and so have other members) that you don't take the time to read and answer plainly, and now it turns out that you're not even using the equipment that you said you were using.

Just cos you got an axe to grind with aol,I dont love em either but so what?
My beef against AOL has nothing to do with your problem - have I suggested that you ditch AOL and then get it working? No. I've been trying to diagnose your problem and help you, but the information you've been providing is next to useless.

Cant you get it thru your head that if someones asking for help on a help forum then they may know a little less than you?
OK - go and read all my tehnical posts and then tell me that I don't understand that some people know less than me about some things.

And I can use aol-how do you think i'm managing to ask for help on here-i'm using my voyager moden FFS and before you say anything you didnt ask!
Why would I ask - it doesn't have anything to do with your problem? I'm focussing on the problem that you reported, not some half-baked idea that the AOL client is useful to anyone more intelligent than a cat.

I think i'll be better off going to look elsewhere for help instead of somewhere like this where people like you who have swallowed the book wait for some unsuspecting person who dares to ask for some advice on a subject he knows less than you about.
FYI, I run a successful business supporting people with your type of technical problem, and they're all very happy.

I'm sure if you trawl for long enough you will find another victim with whom you can flex your intellectual muscle and show just how clever you are.
I'm not clever - I merely look it when being compared to you. FFS. :rolleyes:

Why don't you get your act in gear, stop meddling with settings, ask specific questions, give specific information and wait for the answers?
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