I'm glad you've admitted your not clever,not polite either-i started posting quite happily until you got involved-You havent been trying to diagnose my problem-you've just spent your time getting my back up with smart-ass remarks-do you talk to your customers of your successful business in the same way as you do on here just because they dont understand your jargon,I dont think so otherwise your business wouldn't last long.Why would I stop playing with settings as you put it? The settings I've "played" with .are only what were mentioned in the manual. And the reason I'm using the voyager modem now is because the other one aint working FFS,I thought we'd established that much einstein,how the hell would i get any info on the net or waste my time arguing with you if I wasn't connected? If I was connected I wouldnt have a problem would I.Jesus you clever types aren't that clever sometimes are you -Don't you think that if I have spent some time trying to connect to the net with a router and it wasnt working that I might think to get my other modem connected that does work and try and get some help or advice on what to do about it? Whats so strange about that? If you put more effort into being polite to people and asking your questions in a decent way instead of the BIG I AM then maybe my problem might be on the way to being solved and your head could swell that little bit bigger.......if thats possible. Oh and before you go on about how you give up your precious time to come on here and give us novices the benefit of your expert knowledge then heres a thing....DON'T DO IT...do us all a favour and let someone who hasn't got a chip on their shoulder have a go....just going to play with some settings because I will definitely get further doing that than any help you're likely to give out. Adios