Damp in parapet wall - issue with coping stones or render?

The fronts remedial work I believe ree, im shocked you hadnt noticed! Make your own mind up about the back! new bricks have been fitted on the chimney and re pointed. Could that be the cause of the effloresence? We already have a noseall on this forum . Who is generally 99% correct with what he says. We dont need another ie (you) which ripped the roof apart all the way down to the roof line. A simple repair could pretty much cost 4 grand on your advice!

I notice you using the inclusive "we" - i thought only the English queen was allowed to do that.

Using your "we" to include colind86 - he doesn't refer to a back gutter as a saddle? And what do you call a lead flashing where the hips meet the ridge?

"convoluted and confusing to a diyer(sic)" - please provide examples of convolution and confusion in my posts? I'll take your word that you can represent a confused a bog standard "diyer"

"typical pencil pusher" - Is your idea of the working man an illiterate numbskull? Just because i scribble a bit, you attempt to disrespect me?

I've worked with PhD plumbers, and a sparky who took a year off to attend a post-graduate degree at Stanford University. No one on site remarked at any of this - you either know your trade or you dont - its the only standard applied among skilled people

"blurb" - you use the word blurb in entirely the wrong context. I think that you were looking for another word - keep looking.

"Colins (sic) post is concise and straight to the point." - have you lost your marbles? The post you refer to was wrong.
"straight to the point" the wrong point. He was visualising the wrong area and the wrong side of the house - he had no idea where he was when he looked at and commented on the loft pic.
The OP had reported no damage below the front left (neighbour's) stack.

I give respect where respect is shown or earned. You are a sly creature but i noticed your little game.
Famous general once had a donkey carry him for 20 yrs. After 20yrs it was still a donkey.
Maybe your well educated ree, but your still a donkey that does roofs! Education and use of big words aint commonly associated with roofers! The main factor is sealing a roof! You talk a good job. You also bring a whole new meaning to slating a roof. Go stick your felt shingles down and watch out for the aligators!
I was just leaving, but for whatever.

please indicate with reference to a pic, what, and where, you mean "fronts remedial work" and "the back!"

New bricks have been fitted to which chimney?

Are you comparing me to another poster, noseall, who, i'm sure, gives 99% correct advice? Its a flattering comparison but probably inaccurate. More to the point, do you object to noseall's level of accuracy?

New brickwork could certainly be a cause of efflorescence - if you are referring to the front left (neighbours) stack:
1. i dont see new work.
2. The major staining etc is on the flank.
3. when you look at the loft pic where do you think that is - front, rear, left or right?

Ripped what/which roof apart?

What simple repair are you referring to or suggesting?
Ripped what/which roof apart?

The left neighbour's front stack is obviously water damaged, and showing signs of efflorescence.
The same neighbour's rear stack chimney pot is dangerously leaning - according to the pic.
Your rear loft pic shows amateur rafter repairs, and active leaks in the roofing and at the chimney breast.

Do you have, or have you had, chimney breasts on the left party wall?

Flashing is lacking on your stacks where the render meets the coping stones. Plus the render should have been bell cast and stopped short of touching the coping stones.
Presumably the render was a remedial application rather than a possible stack(s) re-build.

Its hard to comment on the copings and parapet render - the pics need detail. Flat coping's are always suspect. Are the flags throated?

Your front fascia appears to be "rotting". The rear gutter union is dipping and will hold water/debris.

The front elevation render has stonework(?) grid pattern beds grinning through.

Read more: http://www.diynot.com/forums/roofin...coping-stones-or-render.395051/#ixzz2upWbIIuD
Well, i'm sure that the OP has found it helpful to hear from you two "construction professionals". At least he'll be well versed in funny faces, & a wonderful example of two monkeys climbing a tree.

But how come no "construction professional" answers?

i wonder if you would like to perhaps explain your "paddy that lives in a caravan" a little further?
Good to see you've made it back. What happened? The cider run out, you've lost your string vest?

Anyway, along with your abuse against Americans, and sectarianism against the Irish, what if i'm gay and black or maybe a woman who's trannied over?
Do you hold similar opinions about gays and Afro's and trannies?

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