So you think the will of the people should be regarded as rubbish.
I didnt say that, did I?
I said that the Leave campaign made a case for a vision of Brexit that doesnt exist, on a public that generally know very little about the EU.
How can it be the will of the people if they are sold something that doesnt exist.
The reason Brexit has dragged on, is because any Brexit version that allows the UK to do its own deals, means economic damage.
Any Brexit deal that allows frictionless trade and the same worldwide trade means no UK trade deals and Brexiteers wont agree.
Unfortunately 99% of all discussions about Brexit from the pro leave Tory or Farage teams is full of soundbites, almost always misleading, and divoid of facts.
Stuff like border checks, phytosanitary controls, rules of origin, regulatory alignment, delays, paperwork, WTO trading rules etc etc are all very dry, technical and boring.....but vital to the understanding how UK companies have supply chains and infrastructure streamlined to this frictionless method
Its so much easier to sell 'take back control', 'they need us more than we need them'.......etc etc.